I could easily be misunderstanding the SCXML specification, but it looks like 
that if you have (a tweaked example of my actual code):

<scxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml"; version="1.0" initial="start"> 


    <data id="data">{ "result": "unknown"}</data>


  <state id="start">

    <invoke id="lookup" type="data">

      <content expr="'blah'" />


        <assign location="data.result" expr="'found'" />



    <transition cond="data.result == 'found'" target="found" />


  <state id="found" />


Basically, you're issuing an invoke, and during it's finalize, you're updating 
some data model. The transition for that state is waiting until the data 
changes before moving to the next state.

The interesting part here is that the transition has no event. As far as I can 
understand the specification, specifically the section on mainEventLoop(), 
after an event (in this case the done.invoke.lookup) and after any event-based 
transition, the "event-less" transitions should be selected. However, the code 
in SCXMLSemanticsImpl, specifically the nextStep() only handles event-less code 
(via the macroStep()) if there was at least one transition that was selected by 
the event, which in this case, there is not.

It seems like a pretty simple fix, but I'm not 100% sure that I'm reading the 
spec right (I'm reasonably new to SCXML).



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