Hi everyone!


This is my first time using a mailing list, so sorry in advance if I mess
something up!


I'm using version 3.6 of the "Net" Library, in combination with Java 8,
Android Studio 3.6.1 (min SDK=24, target SDK=27) and I'm experiencing a
weird issue with file download:


Downloading small images (jpg, around 12kb each) or text files from my FTP
server always succeeds but I've also got bigger images (png, 2000x2000,
around 8-9mb each) and they only download partially: I pulled them from the
emulator/device and they end up with a black, horizontal bar at the bottom
and they're smaller than they should be (see below for examples).


I tested my code with 'ftpClient.retrieveFile()' (version 1) and
'ftpClient.retrieveFileStream()' (version 2, InputStream or
BufferedInputStream) but I get the same result with both:


public void downloadFiles(String remoteFolder, String localFolder,
ArrayList<String> filenames) { //This runs inside an 'AsyncTask'!

    //login here



    OutputStream out = null;


    try {




        if(ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteFolder)) {

            for(String filename : filenames) {

                FTPFile[] singleFile = ftpClient.listFiles(filename);


                if(singleFile.length > 0) { //check if file exists

                    String localPath = localFolder + File.separator +

                    out = new FileOutputStream(localPath);


                    //Version 1:

                    /*if(!ftpClient.retrieveFile(filename, out)) {

                        //Set error message here







                    //Version 2:

                    InputStream is = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(filename);

                    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);

                    byte[] buf = new byte[10000000];

                    int len;


                    while ((len = bis.read(buf)) > 0) { //Same result using
only 'is'

                        out.write(buf, 0, len);



                    if(ftpClient.completePendingCommand()) {

                        Log.d(TAG,"DONE"); //This is always printed, even
when the files aren't complete

                    } else {

                        Log.d(TAG,"NOT DONE");





                } else {

                    //Another error message here





    } catch (IOException e) {

        //And another error message here

    } finally {

        try {

            if(out!=null) { out.close(); }

        } catch(IOException e) {

            //Doesn't matter




    //logout here



I printed the full length (added up 'len') and only very rarely it manages
to download everything, usually there are a couple of bytes missing (always
less than 10 so far) - example:


File 1 is 8965167 bytes (according to Windows' file explorer) but the added
up 'len' is only 8965165 or 8965161 or .

File 2 is 8972047 bytes but it only downloads 8972044 or 8972038 or .


Did I miss anything, some type of setting for bigger files? How do I make it
download the full images?


Thanks in advance for any tip!

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