On 01/09/2020 17:31, Jan Patrick Lübbert wrote:


> I tried the JVM mode with the service config (arguments as array in a
> PowerShell script):
>       "install",
>       "MyService",
>       "--DisplayName=""My Service""",
>       "--JavaHome=""$RootPath\jre""",
>       "--Jvm=""$RootPath\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll""",
>       "--StartMode=jvm",
>       "--StopMode=jvm",
>       "--JvmOptions9=""--module-path modules""",
>       "++JvmOptions9=""--module de.my.package/de.my.package.Main""",
>     "--StartClass=de.my.package.Main",
>     "--StopClass=de.my.package.Main",
>       "--StopTimeout=300",
>       "--JvmMs=128",
>       "--JvmMx=1024",
>       "--JvmSs=128",
>       "--LogPath=$RootPath\log",
>       "--LogPrefix=service",
>       "--LogLevel=Debug",
>       "--StdOutput=auto",
>       "--StdError=auto",
>       "--StartPath=$RootPath",
>       "--Startup=auto",
>       "--LogJniMessages=1"
> The log output:       
> ( prunsrv.c:1763) [ 5048] Apache Commons Daemon procrun log initialized.
> ( prunsrv.c:1767) [ 5048] Apache Commons Daemon procrun ( 64-bit)
> started.
> ( prunsrv.c:621 ) [ 5048] Installing service...
> ( prunsrv.c:660 ) [ 5048] Installing service 'MyService' name 'My Service'.
> ( prunsrv.c:694 ) [ 5048] Service 'MyService' installed.
> ( prunsrv.c:1848) [ 5048] Apache Commons Daemon procrun finished.
> ( prunsrv.c:1763) [ 7308] Apache Commons Daemon procrun log initialized.
> ( prunsrv.c:1767) [ 7308] Apache Commons Daemon procrun ( 64-bit)
> started.
> ( prunsrv.c:1677) [ 7308] Running Service 'MyService'...
> ( prunsrv.c:1448) [ 4548] Inside ServiceMain...
> ( prunsrv.c:910 ) [ 4548] reportServiceStatusE: dwCurrentState = 2,
> dwWin32ExitCode = 0, dwWaitHint = 3000, dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0.
> ( prunsrv.c:1203) [ 4548] Starting service...
> ( javajni.c:216 ) [ 4548] Explicit RuntimeLib specified
> 'D:\MyService\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll'
> ( javajni.c:285 ) [ 4548] loading jvm 'D:\MyService\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll'
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[0] vfprintf
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[1] --module-path modules
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[2] --module
> de.my.package/de.my.package.Main
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[3] exit
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[4] abort
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[5] -Xms128m
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[6] -Xmx1024m
> ( javajni.c:795 ) [ 5688] Jvm Option[7] -Xss128k
> ( javajni.c:536 ) [ 5688] Unrecognized option: --module-path modules
> ( javajni.c:806 ) [ 5688] CreateJavaVM Failed with error [-1]
> ( javajni.c:806 ) [ 5688] Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
> ( javajni.c:1057) [ 5688] Java Worker thread finished : with status = 2
> ( prunsrv.c:1258) [ 4548] Failed to start Java
> ( prunsrv.c:1611) [ 4548] ServiceStart returned 4.
> ( prunsrv.c:910 ) [ 4548] reportServiceStatusE: dwCurrentState = 1,
> dwWin32ExitCode = 1066, dwWaitHint = 0, dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 4.
> ( prunsrv.c:1679) [ 7308] Run service finished.
> ( prunsrv.c:1848) [ 7308] Apache Commons Daemon procrun finished.
> If I change Jvm to java.exe and StartMode to Java the stderr log states:
> 2020-09-01 18:18:10 Apache Commons Daemon procrun stderr initialized.
> NOTE: Picked up JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: --module-path modules --module
> de.my.package/de.my.package.Main
> Error: Option --module is not allowed in environment variable
> What am I doing wrong?

At first glance nothing. That is pretty much exactly what I tried first
when I set this up to test locally. And my test environment isn't work

The good news is that with a few changes it should be possible to get
this working. At least, I got my simple test working.

The first change is the module path. As documented in [1] you need to use:


(note the addition of the equals)

The second is how you define the main module. As documented in [2] you
need to use:


So my full config was:

prunsrv.exe install
--DisplayName "Test"
--JavaHome "C:\java\adopt-14.0.2+12"
--Jvm "C:\java\adopt-14.0.2+12\bin\server\jvm.dll"
--JvmOptions ""
--JvmMs 128
--JvmMx 256
--JvmSs 0
--StopPath "C:\Users\god\Documents\bin"
--StopClass "org.apache.markt.Test"
--StopParams ""
--StopTimeout 0
--StartPath "C:\Users\god\Documents\bin"
--StartClass "org.apache.markt.Test"
--StartParams ""
--StartMode "jvm"
--LogPath "C:\Users\god\Documents\bin"
--LogPrefix "commons-daemon"
--LogLevel "Debug"
--StdError "auto"
--StdOutput "auto"
--LogJniMessages 0
--Rotate 0

where the equivalent command line was:
java --module-path . --module test/org.apache.markt.Test



[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8227497
[2] https://community.oracle.com/thread/4135394

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