The Apache Commons Team is pleased to announce the availability of
version 1.5 of "Apache Commons RNG".

Apache Commons RNG provides Java implementations of pseudo-random
numbers generators.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o RNG-182: Add a Bill of Materials (BOM) to aid in dependency management when
           referencing multiple Apache Commons RNG artifacts. The BOM should be
           used to ensure all imported artifacts are compatible.
o RNG-181: LXM family to support SplittableUniformRandomProvider. This allows
           creating a parallel stream of generators which will avoid sequence
           correlations between instances.
o RNG-180: New "SplittableUniformRandomProvider" interface to allow splitting a
           RNG into two objects, each of which implements the same interface
           (and can be recursively split indefinitely). Add default methods to
           support parallel stream implementations of the UniformRandomProvider
           stream methods.
o RNG-179: "FastLoadedDiceRollerDiscreteSampler": Distribution sampler that uses
           the Fast Loaded Dice Roller (FLDR) algorithm for exact sampling from
           a discrete probability distribution.
o RNG-178: "JumpableUniformRandomProvider": Add support to generate Java 8
           streams of new random generator instances using the jump method.
o RNG-176: "UniformRandomProvider": Enhance the interface with default methods.
           Add range sample methods with a lower and upper bound. Add support to
           generate Java 8 streams of sample values. Note: This moves some
           method implementations from the core module to the client-api module.
           Binary compatibility is supported if the versions of these modules
           are matched. Users of the simple module should ensure the client-api
           and core modules are resolved as matched versions and not mismatched
           by transitive dependency resolution.
o RNG-177: "sampling": Add samples() method to the API to generate Java 8
           streams of sample values.
o RNG-168: New LXM family of random generators. Added implementations of the
           LXM generators included in JDK 17.
o RNG-174: "RandomSource": Improve support for non-zero seeds. Seeding has been
           changed to specify a sub-range of the seed that must not be all zero.
           Introduces a functional change where byte[] seeds generated by
           RandomSource with a fixed UniformRandomProvider may be different.
           Seeds are now reproducible across calls using an input random source
           in an identical state.
o RNG-173: "BaseProvider": Add a static method to extend input int[] and long[]
           seeds to a minimum length.
o RNG-167: New "TSampler" class to sample from Student's t-distribution.

Fixed Bugs:
o RNG-175: "RandomSource.MSWS": createSeed(UniformRandomProvider) to handle a
           bad RNG. This fixes an infinite loop when the RNG output is not
           suitably random to create a seed.
o RNG-170: Update implementations of "UniformRandomProvider.nextBytes" with a
           range [start, start + length) to be consistent with the exception
           conditions of the JDK array range checks.
o RNG-166: Update "LogNormalSampler" and "BoxMullerLogNormalSampler" to allow a
           negative mean for the natural logarithm of the distribution values.
o RNG-165: "RejectionInversionZipfSampler": Allow a zero exponent in the Zipf

o RNG-171: Reduce the memory footprint of the cached boolean and int source for
           the IntProvider and LongProvider. This change has a performance
           improvement on some JDKs. Note: This introduces a functional
           compatibility change to the output from the nextInt method of any
           LongProvider; the output is now little-endian as each long is
           returned as the low 32-bits then the high 32-bits. The bit output
           from nextBoolean is unchanged (little-endian order).
o RNG-172: "UniformLongSampler": Precompute rejection threshold for a non-power
           of 2 range.
o RNG-169: "RandomSource.create": Update array seed conversion to use optimum
           seed length. Avoid duplication of input bytes and conversion of bytes
           that will be discarded. This introduces a behavioural change for
           int[], long[], and int seed conversions. Any fixed seeds used in
           previous versions in byte[], long or the native seed type will create
           the same RNG state. All array-to-array seed conversions now use
           little endian format, matching the byte[] conversion behaviour
           since 1.0. All seed conversions that expand the seed size use the
           same generation method to provide additional bytes. Conversion of
           int[] to long avoids loss of bits changing the possible output seeds
           from 2^32 to 2^64.
o RNG-160: "ZigguratSampler": Performance improvement using ternary operator to
           sort values.

Historical list of changes:

For complete information on Apache Commons RNG, including instructions on how
to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the
Apache Commons RNG website:

Distribution packages can be downloaded from

When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file
available at

Maven artifacts are also available in the central Maven repository:


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