Hello Apache Commons community,

I hope this message finds you well. We are researchers from the University of 
Waterloo. We are conducting a study that evaluates the effectiveness of risk 
assessment during code review.

Currently, we are looking for participants from Apache Commons projects who are 
interested in contributing to the study. Apache is one of the well-known 
open-source communities, hence it's a valuable study subject in software 
engineering area. We really appreciate the open-source spirt in the community 
so that students and researchers can study and perform experiment on Apache.

The study includes a 30-minute online user experiment. Anyone who have Java and 
code review experience may participate in this study. During the experiment, 
you will be asked to examine three code changes selected from Apache Commons 
Lang and complete two code review related tasks. In some rare cases, you may be 
invited to a follow-up interview. This is optional and will take no more than 
30 minutes.

Due to our remuneration rules, this study only applies to volunteers in Canada 
or the United States. In appreciation of your time and participation, we will 
provide with you an Amazon/Starbucks gift card valued at CAD$15 or CAD$20 (if 
you participate the interview session).

If you are interested in participating, please sign up here: 

This study has been reviewed by and received ethics clearance from the 
University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board.

If you have any questions regarding this study, please feel free to let me know 

We would greatly appreciate your participation in this study. Your involvement 
would be invaluable in helping us to better understand the challenges and 
opportunities in code review and risk assessment.

Thank you in advance for your help!



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