This may be what you require:

You will have to convert your float values to double and then specify
the bin size:

float[] x = ...
int bins = 100;
ContinuousDistribution d = EmpiricalDistribution.from(bins,
    IntStream.range(0, x.length).mapToDouble(i -> x[i]).toArray());

On Fri, 29 Sept 2023 at 17:44, Siddharth Jain <> wrote:
> I have a vector float[] x containing samples of a random variable. I would
> like to initialize a prob. distribution fn. using these samples and then be
> able to call methods like
> I am looking for an API like:
> var f = ContinuousDistribution.of(x)
> is this available in commons-math? thanks.
> S.

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