Hello Luis,

Thank you for your detailed report.

An interesting question is to check to see if the file attributes are
correctly updated using 2.11 or if the file timestamp is not changed and
that fact is not reported as an exception.

For a new feature, free to create a PR on GitHub so we can see what this
would really look like.


On Tue, Nov 28, 2023, 2:29 PM Luis Panadero Guardeño <
luis.panad...@digibis.com> wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> I recently noticed a issue when we update our projects from Commons-io
> 2.11.0 to 2.13.0 with FileUtils.copyFile
> In our code base, we was using FileUtils.copyFile(src, dst) , that as is
> said on the JavaDoc, must preserve the file's last modified date/times.
> Sometimes, we do this over a SMB/CIFs share folder, and we never had
> problems or errors with this.
> But, since we update to 2.13.0 , we got IOExceptions because copyFile
> fails to preserve the file's last modified date/times. I see that the
> implementation changed a bit. on 2.11.0 copyFile uses directly
> File.setLastModified(long) and now tries with
> BasicFileAttributeView.setTimes(FileTime, FileTime, FileTime) and if fails,
> tries with File.setLastModified(long) . So, it should keep working exactly
> like before. But, obviously, for our use case, isn't. We workaround ,
> calling copyFile with preserveFileDate set to false.
> Also, I noticed an problem with the actual API of FileUtils.copyFile
> methods. I think that an improvement should be that when copyFile fails to
> set file's last modified date/times, should throw a different exception
> from IOException (extend an exception from it). Actually it's imposible to
> differentiated from another bigger IO problems. In out case, we would like
> to try to preserve the file's last modified date/times, but ignore the
> error if it fails to do that. And I can't see any way of doing it.
> Specially with the current implementation of FileUtils.copyFile .
> --
> *Luis Panadero Guardeño*
> Departamento de Informática
> luis.panad...@digibis.com
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