        Let's say you have a +1 or -1 vote for a given document. You could 
record this with a document like:

        "article" : "article-id", "vote": 1, "timestamp": now()


        "article" : "article-id", "vote": -1, "timestamp": now()

(where now() is some function you run client side to get the time.

You'd then be able to get the rating via a simple map function and a _sum 

function(doc) {
  if (doc.vote) emit(doc.article, doc.vote);

And query it for a specific article with


Mike Miller did a nice summary of how you could do time binned data for your 
historical info (using the timestamp field in the vote doc) on 


On 25 Feb 2011, at 03:51, He Shiming wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a design question. The scenario is: the database stores a
> series of articles, and each article can be commented and rated.
> For articles, naturally I'll have {"_id": "article-id", "type":
> "article" ...} . And each article is a single document in the
> database.
> I'm not sure what form should I use to put ratings and comments. I
> would like to keep a history of rating and comments for each article,
> but still be able to calculate average rating easily. I may also need
> "likes" and "dislikes" for each of the comment. So it'll be sorted in
> a custom order.
> How do I design documents to store such information? Thanks!
> -- 
> Best regards,
> He Shiming

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