That's a pity. Is search on the roadmap to become part of the core product?

On 24/03/2011, at 10:19 AM, David Hardtke wrote:

No.  For logical queries you need a search add-on:

Cloudant Search (hosted):

On 03/23/11 15:56, Andrew Stuart (SuperCoders) wrote:

I have emails stored in a couchdb database and have parsed the major fields into JSON . I'd like to be able to search for emails, here are some examples of the types of searches I need to do:

find all emails that have "java OR c++"  in the subject line
find all emails that have "graduate NOT tester" in the subject line
find all emails received in 2011 AND have a subject line including the word "linux" find all emails that have "(graduate OR junior) NOT linux" in the subject line

Can couchdb do this?


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