CouchDB generates uuid's that attempts to minimise the amount of rebalancing
that needs to happen on insert, however thats only an optimization I would
worry about if you are under fairly severe load.

If your application has natural id's then I would use them, if not then I
think its fine to use POST as long as you aware of the idempotent issue


On 27 June 2011 18:44, Mark Hahn <> wrote:

> I had to patch jquery.couch.js that comes with couch to use post.  It
> was using a synchronous ajax call to get uuids which is a big no-no,
> especially since I am using the same code on node.
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Jens Alfke <> wrote:
> > If my client code has access to a ready supply of unique ID strings (in
> my case, Cocoa’s CFUUID API), is there any disadvantage to using those to
> create document IDs, versus using IDs generated by the server’s /_uuids
> endpoint?
> >
> > On a similar note, if I’m talking to a server on localhost (from a
> mobile/desktop app) is there any reason not to use POST to create new
> documents? The warning in the docs seems to apply only if there are
> intermediate proxies that might repeat the request.
> >
> > —Jens
> --
> Mark Hahn
> Website Manager
> 949-342-4246

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