After further reading it seems like I could use _purge ...  However, I
still need to query the DB to fetch all the revisions.

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Tim Tisdall <> wrote:

> I accidentally created several million documents in my DB which I'd like
> to undo.  ^_^  I know I can query each document to get the revision and
> then issue a DELETE, but that seems like a lot of additional work.  Also,
> the wiki says "Deleted documents remain in the database forever, even after
> compaction, to allow eventual consistency when replicating." and that's a
> lot of dead space.  Is there a way that I can purge all of those documents
> given that I have the _ids that they were saved under?  I essentially would
> like to return the DB to a state before I inserted all of those documents.
> I'm also going to be inserting updated documents to the DB with those same
> _ids, so another alternative is to post updates to each (but that would
> also require getting the revision ids) and then clearing out old revisions.
>  However, this would require fetching several million revision ids and then
> figuring out how to force the DB to clear out all old revisions.
> -Tim

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