CouchDB is a lot easier to understand if you think about querying views
alphabetically like a card catalog. You can say "AA to BZ" but you cannot
say "*A to *Z".

That said, CouchDB Lucene is actually built for those kinds of queries (and
more) and it is really simple to use. Try it out.
On Sep 17, 2012 11:52 PM, "Pulkit Singhal" <> wrote:

> With a compound key being spit out by a MAP as follows:
> emit ( [elem1, elem2, elem3, elem4, elem5], doc);
> Is it possible to do a search using startkey and endkey in v1.2.0 where the
> beginning elements could be anything? Like this:
> startkey=[ {}, {}, {}, "elem4name", "elem5name" ]
> Thoughts?

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