You can also write map and reduce functions in PHP using ElephantOnCouch Query 

I still don't have integrated lists and shows, but I will do it soon.

There are query server implementations in other languages also.


On Aug 14, 2013, at 7:17 PM, Stanley Iriele wrote:

> Oh wow...that is pretty snazzy....this is a bit of a dumb question but can
> everything in a design doc be written in Erlang? list
> functions..shows..etc?
> On Aug 14, 2013 10:05 AM, "Robert Newson" <> wrote:
>> Erlang is faster and more feature rich. One thing you can do in an
>> erlang view that you can't do in javascript is
>> file:delete(AnyPathYourServerCanAccess), which is why we disable it by
>> default. :)
>> Building a view is inherently serial regardless of the language
>> evaluating each update.
>> B.
>> On 14 August 2013 18:02, Alexander Shorin <> wrote:
>>> Erlang server bypassed stdio interface communication and addtional
>>> JSON decode/encode roundtrip, so it is faster than JS at some point.
>>> Also, having Erlang with SMP feature enabled may also improve his
>>> performance if you have multicore server.
>>> How much? No numbers I have, just an experience background. You can
>>> measure it with you functions and data and share with us (:
>>> --
>>> ,,,^..^,,,
>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Stanley Iriele <>
>> wrote:
>>>> I'm curious... What exactly is the performance gain from writing
>>>> views/shows/ etc in Erlang vs JavaScript... From what I've seen the
>>>> JavaScript view server is sufficiently fast and feature complete.
>>>> So my question is this.... Is the Erlang view server that much
>> faster?...
>>>> Is there another gain that I'm missing?..and is it as feature complete
>> as
>>>> the JavaScript equivalent?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Stanley

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