while the default configuration has max_document_size as 4Gb, it would
be very unwise to make a document anywhere near that large. Database
size is limited only by disk capacity but note that you'll need some
free space for compacting the database.

On 9 November 2013 15:28, first-l...@yandex.ru <first-l...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Base size in no limit. But file system may be limit by file size.
> Doc size limit is 4Gb. (one or two or more field: total - 4Gb)
>> I have two storage questions. How big can any one field in one doc be?
>> Also, is there any limit on the size of a CouchDB? Meaning, if I have 1TB
>> of free disk space, will the db grow to 1TB in size?

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