Hi Jim

I had some trouble configuring my local.ini file.


port = 80

doesn't work because I get a "Connection refused" answer when connecting
with curl.

The only way I got it working was:

port = 5984
bind_address =

then redirecting form 5984 to 80: "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp
--dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5984"

Is this the reason form my trouble with rewrites?

The vhost I set was: arteigenschaften.ch:5984 =


2013/11/11 Jim Klo <jim....@sri.com>

> Couple of issues I see, answered inline below.
> Jim Klo
> Senior Software Engineer
> SRI International
> t: @nsomnac
> On Nov 10, 2013, at 8:38 PM, "Alexander Gabriel" <a...@barbalex.ch<mailto:
> a...@barbalex.ch>> wrote:
> I call:
> "http://arteigenschaften.ch/artendb/_design/artendb/index.html"; because
> that is where the web-app appears. And I would want it to show as "
> http://arteigenschaften.ch/index.html<
> http://arteigenschaften.ch/artendb/_design/artendb/index.html>
> Is your VHOST mapping right?
> I saw you had:
> arteigenschaften.ch<http://arteigenschaften.ch>:5984=/db
> name/_design/docname/_rewrite
> If you want it to answer on port 80, I think you either need to omit the
> port or specify 80
> arteigenschaften.ch<http://arteigenschaften.ch>=/db
> name/_design/docname/_rewrite
> You should be able to test your rewrites by just going to:
> http://localhost:5984/artendb/_design/artendb/_rewrite
> It that works, then your problem is with your VHOST config (or reverse
> proxy depending upon how things are configured in your environment). If
> you're doing this remotely and can't access couch directly, I recommend
> doing a ssh port forward so you can test the redirect without VHOST mucking
> things up.
> - JK

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