Thank you Kiril! You email made my day and I’m happy CouchDB is working so well 
for you :)


> On 25 Jul 2015, at 01:32, Kiril Stankov <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working on a pretty complex project for the last 7 months.
> Since the beginning I was researching a lot what DB to use. NoSQL was obvious 
> choice, but I wondered between several options, MongoDB and CouchDB being the 
> obvious leaders.
> Now, half an year later, I am very glad for choosing CouchDB!
> It is an incredible product. Replication and views are the best features! My 
> app is a distributed one and I use CouchDB for the back-end synchronization 
> of data. My server is node.js and 'follow' gives me a perfect way to monitor 
> for changes.
> For now, CouchDB is very stable, fast and reliable. It is the heart of a 
> complex solution and there are no bad surprises until now. Updates to the DB 
> are very intensive and we have more than 1000 documents inserted per day. 
> Replication works great across continents and two operating systems. HTTP 
> API's make it so easy to monitor it and to offload part of the load from 
> node.js and retrieve data directly from Couch. We do use a lot of List and 
> Reduce functions to make life easier.
> Another great think about Couch is the community. I found so many useful 
> posts and articles. I got a lot of help from people on this list. Thank you.
> Well, there are still some issues, but there are not that important and I am 
> sure they'll be solved soon. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to check 
> v2.0, but I'll surely do so, once it is released officially.
> Finally, a big THANK YOU to all developers and supporters of CouchDB. I think 
> that with every open source project this is the least we, the users, can do 
> to cheer up the people behind such a great software!
> Regards and Relax,
> Kiril.

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