Hi Robert,

> I must admit I am not aware that there is something like a "stop" command
> for couch. But I am interested in learning more about this, because if this
> is our only problem, we'd have little to change in our current processes...

I haven't used Windows in a really long time but couch runs as a service on
Windows, so you can use things like the net or sc command to stop/start it


Most likely there is also a UI way of doing this, but it is not limited to
just couchdb, it is an operating system thing (if you need to google it,

Hope that helps.


> Joachim
> Am 07.09.16 um 22:02 schrieb Robert Samuel Newson:
> .couch files should be portable between operating systems, but you
>> shouldn't be writing .couch files into a couchdb server while it's running.
>> It's completely file to copy .couch files _from_ a running server, though.
>> Obviously replication is the better answer in general since all servers
>> can be online at all times.
>> B.
>> On 7 Sep 2016, at 16:05, jtuc...@objektfabrik.de wrote:
>>> Stefan,
>>> Am 07.09.16 um 14:37 schrieb Stefan Klein:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Replication is one-way.
>>> Great, good to know.
>>> Either target pulls from source or source pushes to target.
>>>> You don't want to, but if you would like to keep 2 databases in sync you
>>>> have to setup 2 replications db1 pulls from db2 and db2 pulls from db1,
>>>> db2
>>>> pushes to db1 and db1 pushes to db2 .. and so on.
>>> Okay, not relevant in this case, but good to know. I like this, because
>>> there is no "magic" in it and this makes things simple.
>>> Since you want the production DB to hide behind a firewall i guess best
>>>> solution for you is to setup the production DB pushing to the
>>>> development
>>>> machine and setup the firewall to not allow any new (packets with set
>>>> syn
>>>> flag) from development network to production network / couchdb.
>>> Well, in our case there is no known development network, so the firewall
>>> setup is probably not possible as you say, but the idea of pushing down
>>> from the production machine sounds interesting. I wouldn't have thought of
>>> that. I thought pull from outside is the most logical model ;-)
>>> I will do some research in this direction. So far, I like what I read:
>>> we could use this scenario for only pushing down changed documents since
>>> last sync, which makes absolute sense in our scenario because it saves a
>>> lot of bandwidth and we need to do this with laptops anywhere on the planet
>>> ;-)
>>> (I didn't double check this actually works or if the target would also
>>>> initiate requests to the source in this schema)
>>> I will just bind my shoes and walk off into that direction and see how
>>> far I get. Maybe next time I will already be able to ask qualified
>>> questions ;-)
>>> Thanks for your ideas
>>> Joachim

Diego Medina
Lift/Scala Consultant

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