Hello there!
The CouchDB weekly news is now live at: https://blog.couchdb.org/2016/09/15 /couchdb-weekly-news-september-15-2016/ Highlights include the release process moving along for CouchDB 2.0, a cool usecase for CouchDB, plus drones! Big thanks to Giovanni, Bill, and Martin for contributing content again this week! You can help us spread the news by sharing on Twitter (https://twitter.com/CouchDB/status/776459742994718720) and other social networks. Also, if you have news for next week, just REPLY to this thread! Cheers! Jenn Turner The Neighbourhoodie Software GmbH Adalbertstr. 7-8, 10999 Berlin [neighbourhood.ie](http://neighbourhood.ie/) Handelsregister HRB 157851 B Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Geschäftsführung: Jan Lehnardt