I have a document that looks something like below. I can use _find to filter on any of the top level fields, is it possible to specify fields, and filters on subfields, if they are in an array? If so, what is the syntax?
For example, if I ONLY wanted to output “barcodes.barcode”, instead of all the fields in “barcodes” how do I express that in the fields..., and can I specify a “barcodes.barcode” value in the selector? I haven’t been able to find a solution. Thanks! { "selector": { "type": {"$eq": "Delivery"} }, "fields" : ["_id", "_rev", "type", "orderNumber", “barcodes”], "sort": ["type","orderNumber"], "limit": 10, "skip": 0 } { "_id": "lyxqcxvdtozg32lp5b8vxh31cxjpvvxv", "_rev": "14-164d28188852ffdd62d9eeaae051f80a", "type": "Delivery", "carrier": "MONA", "orderNumber": "2017030101", "totalParcels": "3", "barcodes": [ { "barcode": "201703010101", "status": "Loaded", "rejected": false, "rejectReason": "", "rejectNote": "", "iconName": "checkbox", "deliveryId": "211b73ad-a2e8-40e4-a90e-b4c2cb089162" }, { "barcode": "201703010102", "status": "Loaded", "rejected": false, "rejectReason": "", "rejectNote": "", "iconName": "checkbox", "deliveryId": "211b73ad-a2e8-40e4-a90e-b4c2cb089162" } ] <snip>