
I have installed CouchDB  2.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 using the steps listed at - 

I have it running (not a clustered environment, just one instance of CouchDB )

I am puzzled by the never ending couchjs processes that starts when I run some 

I have around 30 views mostly simple ones ( some transformations in map and 
default _count reduce)
All of these views starts some couchjs processes and around 10 of these couchjs 
processes never ends.
If it matters - The data size is very small, only around 2K documents currently.

Browsing  older Jira issues, it appears that this issue was fixed in 1.x release
And the potential issue that people pointed out was that socket connections 
were not closed so the process is running,
However I am using the same client ( Ektorp API 1.4 ) to create all these 30 
views then how come only 10 of the couchjs process keep running forever while 
others are terminated.
These forever running couch processes are hogging up my CPU, each one is 
consuming CPU in the range of 60-90%

I do see multiple entries when I do  - netstat -ap tcp | grep TIME

tcp        0      0 10.0.x.x:52952         blob.bl6prdstp01c:https TIME_WAIT   -
tcp        0      0 10.0.x.x:33592      TIME_WAIT   -

(the 10.x IP is the Couchdb machine not sure about the others ( blob.... And 
168..) )

I am not sure what is causing this behavior and how to fix it.

I keep seeing the following error in logs (not sure if it is related to above 
issue. And I keep getting it even after setting "n=1" in default.properties and 
restarting couchdb )

[error] 2017-07-13T09:08:10.880013Z couchdb@localhost emulator -------- Error 
in process <0.24286.1> on node couchdb@localhost with exit value:

Any help appreciated, have been struggling to isolate the issue for quite some 

Thanks in anticipation.


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