Thanks Scott.
I thought it was something else completely.
Interestingly CouchDB v 2.0.0 rejected the curl command immediately but v
1.6.1 did not complain.
However, upon opening Futon(1.6.1), the view was completely unusable, as
one would expect.
Credit to those who upgraded CouchDB to 2.0.0

On 19 July 2017 at 17:51, Scott Shattuck <> wrote:

> It looks to me like there's an extra '}' after the map function string and
> before the reduce function string value. This would seem to be consistent
> with the "views.reduce" message which implies the reduce isn't part of the
> test: {} object but instead is one level too high.
> ss
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 9:30 AM, John Le Brasseur <
> wrote:
> > Hi
> > The command below works for CouchDB 1.6.1 but not for 2.0.0.
> > I saw it mentioned on the Cloudant website but couldn't see an
> explanation.
> > Could someone give me the reason or solution please:
> >
> > curl -X PUT http://user:pwd@
> > -d'{"views":{"test":{"map":"function(doc){\n
> > emit(doc.key,doc.value);\n}"},"reduce":"function(key,values){\n return
> > count(values)\n;}"}, "language": "javascript"}' -H
> > "Content-Type:application/json"
> >
> > reply:
> > {"error":"invalid_design_doc","reason":"`views.reduce` field must have
> > object type"}
> >
> > Many thanks.
> >
> > John.
> >

Thanks again.


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