Hi Jake, ugh, yes, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. In your first 
configuration, CouchDB is seeing an HTTP-based target and assuming it needs to 
use the proxy. Your second configuration fails because the replicator does not 
yet work with local clustered databases.

I think the quickest fix here is to add a check for localhost URLs and not use 
the proxy for those. Can you file an issue at 
https://github.com/apache/couchdb/issues ?

Thanks, Adam

> On Dec 12, 2017, at 11:44 PM, Jake Kroon <jkr...@immersivetechnologies.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are experiencing issues when running CouchDB 2.0.0 behind a proxy, 
> specifically when trying to perform replication. When performing replication 
> without a proxy we do not experience any issues. We're attempting to start 
> the replication by adding a document to the /_replicator/ database, but as 
> you can see below, it changes to an error state with an "invalid json" error:
> {
>  "_id": "rep_init",
>  "_rev": "20-81f3b1999b7f8e9ac51a45e3acbc4432",
>  "source": 
> "https://<username>:<password>@dbgateway.<domain>.com/<source_db_name>",
>  "target": "<target_db_name>",
>  "create_target": false,
>  "continuous": false,
>  "filter": "replication_filter/no_ddocs",
>  "owner": null,
>  "proxy": "http://<proxy_ip_address>:<proxy_port>",
>  "_replication_state": "error",
>  "_replication_state_time": "2017-12-07T15:59:12+08:00",
>  "_replication_state_reason": "{invalid_json,{error,{1,invalid_json}}}",
>  "_replication_id": "d449aac07eeb8da0e322d4646e0b0f9a"
> }
> We suspect what's happening is that CouchDB is attempting to contact the 
> proxy server for the target database, since the target db name includes the 
> full address and database name of the local CouchDB server. Since the proxy 
> server is a remote server and the target database is on the local PC, it 
> would not be able to access the target address and would return an error HTML 
> page, rather than the JSON that CouchDB would be expecting.
> Based on this assumption, we attempted to just specify the target db name as 
> opposed to a URL pointing directly to it, hoping that this would imply that 
> the target db is in the local database. However, this results in a different 
> error:
> {
>  "_id": "rep_init",
>  "_rev": "43-f0b5d20b601a1e8d9348476133b7b782",
>  "source": 
> "https://<username>:<password>@dbgateway.<domain>.com/<source_db_name>,",
>  "target": "<target_db_name>",
>  "create_target": false,
>  "continuous": false,
>  "proxy": "http://<proxy_ip_address>:<proxy_port>",
>  "owner": null,
>  "_replication_state": "error",
>  "_replication_state_time": "2017-12-07T16:49:39+08:00",
>  "_replication_state_reason": "{db_not_found,<<\"could not open 
> <target_db_name>\">>}",
>  "_replication_id": "85dfa1ffdbbc3a7e346a360e53d7d71f"
> }
> Note that the target database does actually exist, so we're not sure why it 
> would be saying that the db is not found. We've also tried setting 
> "create_target" to true, but continue to receive the same error. We have 
> spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out what we are doing 
> wrong by reading through the CouchDB documentation. However, we have not as 
> of yet come to a solution.
> Any support or advice that can be provided would be most appreciated.
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards,
> Jake Kroon

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