FWIW, I filed a quick issue on Fauxton. This would make a nice first 
contribution for someone :)



> On 16. May 2020, at 10:28, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> One of the docs in the test is a design document[1], those can only be 
> written by admin users. It looks like you are running verify install by a 
> non-admin user.
> And just FYI: attachments are stripped on this mailing list. You can upload 
> your resources somewhere and link to them in your mail.
> Best
> Jan
> —
> [1]: 
> https://github.com/apache/couchdb-fauxton/blob/master/app/addons/verifyinstall/resources.js#L102-L116
>> On 15. May 2020, at 21:00, Gone, Sajan <sg...@lb.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Jan. Appreciate your response on this. 
>> By local I meant I was attempting to replicate from a database named "cust"  
>> to "cust2" on the same local CouchDB instance. In fact I have tried the full 
>> URL's as well attempting to replicate from a remote source but that does not 
>> work either. 
>> Also I tried verifying the installation and it failing on  Replication check 
>> with an error saying "Replication failed, expected 4 docs got 3". Attached 
>> is the screen shot. 
>> Thank You,
>> Sajan Gone
>> Senior Database Engineer
>> LBrands | Mast Global Technologies
>> Mobile #:    517-990-5282
>> Office #:   614-577-7622 
>> On 5/15/20, 2:43 PM, "Jan Lehnardt" <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>   Do you mean local as in `dbname` or as in 
>> `https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__thelocalcluster_dbname-2560-3F&d=DwIFaQ&c=spYp1tZ3AQD6dfuI6rqaeg&r=7n1bLwXDzepgjKSNziw-ng&m=TAv05Wolj8UR5V3rj52qa0GyDRl_ULRPm4mlv_nwO6w&s=n7NNLsWhVbDFx_6zIKZZHJqAO5I86XgK_Lu65LR4F5M&e=
>>   If it is the former, that just doesn’t work. You need full URLs for source 
>> and target.
>>   Best
>>   Jan
>>   —
>>> On 15. May 2020, at 17:28, Gone, Sajan <sg...@lb.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am relatively new to CouchDB, we just started doing a POC on it for our 
>>> Customer Grid like application. We installed it on a CentOS machine using 
>>> yum repositories and Everything worked well for some time and I was able to 
>>> replicate from one database to another locally and also to a remote 
>>> database.
>>> All of a sudden the replication setup stopped working. Whenever I try to 
>>> set a new replication channel I am getting an "undefined" message on the 
>>> browser. This is happening even when Source/Destination are specified to be 
>>> local databases. I have tried uninstalling, wiping off the data/log 
>>> directories and did a fresh install of couchdb 2.1.1 but the issue still 
>>> persists. I can't wrap my head around on what is going on here. Any help, 
>>> thoughts or suggestions is greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
>>> Attaching the log file. 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sajan Gone.

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