Hi everyone,

it's been more than a week that I have been debugging a strange
performance problem with CouchDB; mainly affecting couchdb views.

About my Couch setup, I have one central couch instance and around 5
to 15 other instances replicating documents to it. In addition to the
replication, each of those other couch instances are also running a
service that posts documents to the central one via '_bulk_docs' API.
It's important to note that this model is deployed in production for
many years now.

What started to happen is that the indexing of the views became very
very slow, like < 1k changes within 10min. Making GET calls to the
views (either with or without reduce function), I also see a poor
response rate (a few tens kilobytes, either remotely or localhost).

Has anyone ever faced such slowness with CouchDB (views)? Would you
have any recommendations on where I should start looking and tests to
be performed? I have already ruled out problems with the virtual
machine and the hypervisor (load is normal for months). I have also
already recreated the views from scratch; recreated the database from
scratch (dumping deleted docs). I have also created a view to see
whether there were any large documents, and the biggest one is only

When I replicated the database from scratch today, CouchDB indexed
around 1.5M docs in an hour or so; while it's been the last 2h
indexing 26k changes to the database...

Any help or pointers would be very much appreciated here.

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