Good catch, seem to work when pointing to a specific map in the array.

Strange thing is that I have actually been using that to filter out retweets, 
by using using a specific map to is not null.

Good find though.

Also flatten on hashtags works to filter out the empty arrays, but you may not 
always want to use flatten.

When pointing to a specific map Drill seems to consistently produce a null if 
the map does not exist,which is very handy.


> On Feb 5, 2015, at 7:36 PM, Christopher Matta <> wrote:
> You missed something:
> select t.entities.hashtags from dfs.twitter./nflt where
> t.entities.hashtags[0].*text* is not null limit 10;
> Add the .text to the end of the where.
> ​
> Chris Matta
> 215-701-3146
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 10:05 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>> wrote:
>> Chris
>> Thanks, but I tried it before without success.
>> I still get this on Drill 0.7.
>> select t.entities.hashtags from dfs.twitter.`/nfl` t where
>> t.entities.hashtags[0] is not null limit 10;
>> Error: exception while executing query: Failure while executing query.
>> (state=,code=0)
>> Query failed: Query failed: Failure while running fragment., Failure while
>> trying to materialize incoming schema.  Errors:
>> Error in expression at index 0.  Error: Missing function implementation:
>> [isnotnull(MAP-REQUIRED)].  Full expression: null.. [
>> 0dab71b6-1860-4739-b752-1458ed29b671 on drilldemo:31010 ]
>> [ 0dab71b6-1860-4739-b752-1458ed29b671 on drilldemo:31010 ]
>> Mine seems finicky about even using the first element in the array
>> select t.entities.hashtags[0] from dfs.twitter.`/nfl` t limit 10;
>> Query failed: Query failed: Failure while running fragment., index: 4,
>> length: 4 (expected: range(0, 4)) [ 62cd2d3a-546e-41c8-a0c5-4da2b81c2ef8 on
>> drilldemo:31010 ]
>> [ 62cd2d3a-546e-41c8-a0c5-4da2b81c2ef8 on drilldemo:31010 ]
>> However flatten seems to work. (as long as you don’t have thousands of
>> small json files)
>> select flatten(t.entities.hashtags) from dfs.twitter.`/nfl` t limit 10;
>> +------------+
>> |   EXPR$0   |
>> +------------+
>> | {"text":"PantherPride","indices":["12","25"]} |
>> | {"text":"KeepPounding","indices":["48","61"]} |
>> | {"text":"vegas","indices":["107","113"]} |
>> | {"text":"nfl","indices":["23","27"]} |
>> | {"text":"Cowboys","indices":["7","15"]} |
>> | {"text":"Cowboys","indices":["7","15"]} |
>> | {"text":"Ebay","indices":["52","57"]} |
>> | {"text":"NFL","indices":["58","62"]} |
>> | {"text":"Christmas","indices":["63","73"]} |
>> | {"text":"Gift","indices":["74","79"]} |
>> +------------+
>> —Andries
>>> On Feb 5, 2015, at 6:41 PM, Christopher Matta <> wrote:
>>> Andreas, I think I may have solved your issue:
>>>> select t.entities.hashtags FROM mfs.cmatta.`tweets/blackfriday` t WHERE
>> t.entities.hashtags[0].text is not null limit 10;
>>> +------------+
>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>> +------------+
>>> |
>> [{"text":"Blackfriday","indices":[11,23]},{"text":"facebook","indices":[56,65]},{"text":"christmas","indices":[66,76]}]
>>> |
>>> |
>> [{"text":"BlackFriday","indices":[65,77]},{"text":"ViernesNegro","indices":[105,118]},{"text":"ofertas","indices":[122,130]}]
>>> |
>>> |
>> [{"text":"StarWars","indices":[21,30]},{"text":"BlackFriday","indices":[71,83]}]
>>> |
>>> | [{"text":"NotOneDime","indices":[14,25]}] |
>>> | [{"text":"BlackFriday","indices":[43,55]}] |
>>> | [{"text":"JRStudio","indices":[93,102]}] |
>>> |
>> [{"text":"luv","indices":[38,42]},{"text":"luvmanicures","indices":[43,56]},{"text":"luvpedicures","indices":[57,70]},{"text":"luvroyaloak","indices":[71,83]},{"text":"woodwardave","indices":[84,96]}]
>>> |
>>> | [{"text":"BlackFriday","indices":[0,12]}] |
>>> |
>> [{"text":"BlackFriday","indices":[18,30]},{"text":"SOE","indices":[65,69]},{"text":"DoubleSC","indices":[82,91]}]
>>> |
>>> |
>> [{"text":"BlackFriday","indices":[18,30]},{"text":"SOE","indices":[65,69]},{"text":"DoubleSC","indices":[82,91]}]
>>> |
>>> +------------+
>>> 10 rows selected (1.697 seconds)
>>> I noticed when only extracting the first text item in the hashtag array (
>>> t.entities.hashtags[0].text) it was returning null for those tweets that
>>> didn’t have hashtags, so filtering out that seems to work.
>>> ​
>>> Chris Matta
>>> 215-701-3146
>>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 6:43 PM, Jason Altekruse <
>>> wrote:
>>>> As Aditya commented before this will work if the lists only contain
>> scalars
>>>> repeated_count('entities.urls') > 0
>>>> If the lists contain maps unfortunately this is not available today.
>> There
>>>> is an enhancement request open for this feature. I have marked it for a
>> fix
>>>> in 0.9 as it is more of a feature request than a bug and we are working
>> on
>>>> closing a large number of bugs for 0.8 before we get to issues like
>> this.
>>>> -Jason
>>>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Unfortunately it seems that with larger data sets the use of flatten
>>>> seems
>>>>> to produce an error.
>>>>> Any other options to filter out JSON records (objects) where an array
>> is
>>>>> empty?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> —Andries
>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 5:18 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> It was interesting to see flatten bypass the records with an empty
>>>> array.
>>>>>> Unfortunately some arrays are much more complex than the example here,
>>>>> and it is still useful to have the ability to filter out ones that are
>>>>> empty.
>>>>>> —Andries
>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 5:04 PM, Hao Zhu <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I figured out the differences after getting the json file from
>>>> Andries.
>>>>>>> My json file is like:
>>>>>>> {“entities”:{xxx},“entities”:{yyy}... }
>>>>>>> Andries' json file is like:
>>>>>>> {“entities”:{xxx}}
>>>>>>> {“entities”:{yyy}}
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> So basically Andries' json file is contains multiple json files.
>>>>>>> Fortunately, we can use the same SQL to get the same results:
>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.hashtags from dfs.tmp.`z2.json` t;
>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>> | [{"text":"GoPatriots"}] |
>>>>>>> | [{"text":"aaa"}] |
>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>> | [{"text":"bbb"}] |
>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>> 5 rows selected (0.136 seconds)
>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> with tmp as
>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > (
>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > select flatten(t.entities.hashtags) as c from
>>>>>>> dfs.tmp.`z2.json` t
>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > )
>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > select tmp.c.text from tmp;
>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>> | GoPatriots |
>>>>>>> | aaa        |
>>>>>>> | bbb        |
>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>> 3 rows selected (0.115 seconds)
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Hao
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In my case it returns the empty records when flatten is not used.
>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:zk=drilldemo:5181> select t.entities.hashtags as
>>>> hashtags
>>>>>>>> from `twitter.json` t limit 10;
>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>> |  hashtags  |
>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"SportsNews","indices":[0,11]}] |
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"SportsNews","indices":[0,11]}] |
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"CARvsSEA","indices":[36,45]}] |
>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 4:26 PM, Hao Zhu <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Actually not due to flatten, if you directly query the file, it
>> will
>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>> show the non-null values.
>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.hashtags from dfs.tmp.`z.json` t;
>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"GoPatriots"},{"text":"aaa"},{"text":"bbb"}] |
>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>> 1 row selected (0.123 seconds)
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Hao
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Very interesting, flatten seems to bypass empty records. Not sure
>>>> if
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> is an ideal result for all use cases, but certainly usable in this
>>>>> case.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>> —Andries
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 3:45 PM, Hao Zhu <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I can also fetch non-null values for attached json file which
>>>>> contains
>>>>>>>> 6
>>>>>>>>>> "entities", 3 of them are null, 3 of them have "text" value.
>>>>>>>>>>> Could you share your complete "twitter.json"?
>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> with tmp as
>>>>>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > (
>>>>>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > select flatten(t.entities.hashtags) as c from
>>>>>>>>>> dfs.tmp.`z.json` t
>>>>>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > )
>>>>>>>>>>> . . . . . . . > select tmp.c.text from tmp;
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> | GoPatriots |
>>>>>>>>>>> | aaa        |
>>>>>>>>>>> | bbb        |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> 3 rows selected (0.122 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Hao
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The sample data I posted only has 1 element, but some records
>> have
>>>>>>>>>> multiple elements in them.
>>>>>>>>>>> Interestingly enough though
>>>>>>>>>>> select t.entities.hashtags[0].`text` from `twitter.json` t limit
>>>> 10;
>>>>>>>>>>> Produces
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | SportsNews |
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | SportsNews |
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | null       |
>>>>>>>>>>> | CARvsSEA   |
>>>>>>>>>>> +——————+
>>>>>>>>>>> And
>>>>>>>>>>> select t.entities.hashtags[0] from `twitter.json` t limit 10;
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"text":"SportsNews","indices":[90,99]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"text":"SportsNews","indices":[90,99]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"indices":[]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> | {"text":"CARvsSEA","indices":[90,99]} |
>>>>>>>>>>> +——————+
>>>>>>>>>>> Strange part is that there is no indices map in the hashtags
>>>> array,
>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>> no idea why it shows up when pointing to the first lament in an
>>>> empty
>>>>>>>> array.
>>>>>>>>>>> —Andries
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 3:24 PM, Hao Zhu <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I just noticed that the result of "hashtags" is just an array
>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> only 1
>>>>>>>>>>>> element.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So take your example:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root@maprdemo tmp]# cat d.json
>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [1,2,3],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [4,5,6],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [7,8,9],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [
>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>  "text": "GoPatriots",
>>>>>>>>>>>>  "indices": []
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> ],
>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> Now we can do this to achieve the results:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.hashtags from dfs.tmp.`d.json`
>>>> t
>>>>> ;
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"GoPatriots"}] |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 row selected (0.09 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.hashtags[0].text from
>>>>>>>>>> dfs.tmp.`d.json` t ;
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> | GoPatriots |
>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 row selected (0.108 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hao
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I run the query on a larger dataset it actually show the
>>>>> empty
>>>>>>>>>>>>> records.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> select t.entities.hashtags from `twitter.json` t limit 10;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"SportsNews","indices":[0,11]}] |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"SportsNews","indices":[0,11]}] |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | []         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"CARvsSEA","indices":[36,45]}] |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 rows selected (2.899 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> However having the output as maps is not very useful, unless i
>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>> filter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out the records with empty arrays and then drill deeper into
>> the
>>>>> ones
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> data in the arrays.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW: Hao I would have expiated your query to return both rows,
>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>> with an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> empty array as above and the other with the array data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> —Andries
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 2:56 PM, Hao Zhu <>
>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not sure if below is expected behavior.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we only select "hashtags", and it will return only 1 row
>>>>> ignoring
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> null value.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However then if we try to get "hashtags.text", it
>> fails...which
>>>>>>>>>> means it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still trying to read the NULL value.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am thinking it may confuse the SQL developers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.hashtags from
>>>> dfs.tmp.`d.json`
>>>>> t ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | [{"text":"GoPatriots"}] |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 row selected (0.109 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.hashtags.text from
>>>>>>>>>> dfs.tmp.`d.json` t ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Query failed: Query failed: Failure while running fragment.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector cannot
>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> cast to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7ab63d4e-8a1d-4e23-8853-a879db7e8a5f on maprdemo:31010 ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 7ab63d4e-8a1d-4e23-8853-a879db7e8a5f on maprdemo:31010 ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: exception while executing query: Failure while
>> executing
>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (state=,code=0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hao
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now try on hashtags with the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drilldemo:5181> select t.entities.hashtags.`text` from
>>>>>>>>>> `/twitter.json` t
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where t.entities.hashtags is not null limit 10;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Query failed: Query failed: Failure while running fragment.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedMapVector cannot
>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> cast to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6fe7f918-d1a7-4fc6-b24d-44ff9186f59e on drilldemo:31010 ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6fe7f918-d1a7-4fc6-b24d-44ff9186f59e on drilldemo:31010 ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: exception while executing query: Failure while
>>>> executing
>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (state=,code=0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [1,2,3],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [4,5,6],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [7,8,9],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "text": "GoPatriots",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "indices": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The issue seems to be that if some records have arrays with
>>>>> maps in
>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and others are empty.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> —Andries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 2:34 PM, Hao Zhu <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems it works for below json file:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "text": "GoPatriots",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "indices": [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   83,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   94
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [1,2,3],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [4,5,6],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [7,8,9],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "text": "GoPatriots",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "indices": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.urls from dfs.tmp.`a.json`
>>>>> as t
>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t.entities.urls is not null;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | [7,8,9]    |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 row selected (0.139 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:> select t.entities.urls from dfs.tmp.`a.json`
>>>>> as t
>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t.entities.urls is null;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |   EXPR$0   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No rows selected (0.158 seconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hao
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Aditya <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe that this works if the array contains homogeneous
>>>>>>>>>> primitive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types. In your example, it appears from the error, the
>> array
>>>>>>>> field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'member'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contained maps for at least one record.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Christopher Matta <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trying that locally did not work for me (drill 0.7.0):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> select `id`, `name`, `members`
>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `Downloads/test.json` where repeated_count(`members`) > 0;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Query failed: Query stopped., Failure while trying to
>>>>>>>> materialize
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> incoming schema.  Errors:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error in expression at index -1.  Error: Missing function
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation: [repeated_count(MAP-REPEATED)].  Full
>>>>> expression:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --UNKNOWN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXPRESSION--.. [ 47142fa4-7e6a-48cb-be6a-676e885ede11 on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bullseye-3:31010 ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: exception while executing query: Failure while
>>>>> executing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (state=,code=0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris Matta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 215-701-3146
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Aditya <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repeated_count('entities.urls') > 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do you filter out records with an empty array in
>>>> drill?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e some records have "url":[]  and some will have an
>>>> array
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. When trying to read records with data in the array
>>>>> drill
>>>>>>>>>> fails
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> records missing any data in the array. Trying a filter
>>>>> with/*
>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "url":[0] is not null */ fails, also fails if applying
>>>> url
>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> null.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note some of the arrays contains maps, using twitter
>> data
>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> below. Some records have an empty array with
>>>> “hashtags”:[]
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look similar to what is listed below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "entities": {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "trends": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "symbols": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "urls": [],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "hashtags": [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "text": "GoPatriots",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "indices": [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   83,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   94
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ],
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "user_mentions": []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> —Andries
>>>>>>>>>>> <z.json>

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