What is the best way to query an hbase table that has dynamic column names
? For example this table is similar to the opentsdb table, the rowkey is a
stocksymbol followed by the date and hour , the Price column family column
names are the seconds offset from the hour, so each row contains a bucket
of  hours columns , the values are the price the stock sold for at that
How can the dynamic names be used in queries ?

0: jdbc:drill:> select convert_from(row_key, 'UTF8') as tid, t.price as
price from dfs.`/tables/trades_flat` t limit 5;
|    tid     |   price    |
| AMZN_2013102107 | {"3901713":"AAAAAAAAJUA="} |
| AMZN_2013102108 | {"4600159":"AAAAAAAAE6o="} |
| AMZN_2013102109 | {"3136026":"AAAAAAAAHL4=",
"3448092":"AAAAAAAAJjI=","3926121":"AAAAAAAAHq0="} |
| AMZN_2013102111 | {"1149689":"AAAAAAAAIuo=","3023456":"AAAAAAAAHRs="} |
| AMZN_2013102112 | {"0705787":"AAAAAAAAInM=","4007774":"AAAAAAAAFUM="} |
5 rows selected (0.766 seconds)
0: jdbc:drill:> select convert_from(row_key, 'UTF8') as tid, kvgen(t.price)
as price from dfs.`/tables/trades_flat` t limit 5;
|    tid     |   price    |
| AMZN_2013102107 | [{"key":"3901713","value":"AAAAAAAAJUA="}] |
| AMZN_2013102108 | [{"key":"4600159","value":"AAAAAAAAE6o="}] |
| AMZN_2013102109 |
| AMZN_2013102111 |
| AMZN_2013102112 |

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