Drill is very fast.  This is because nearly everybody on the Drill team is
focused on performance.  We haven't published any formal benchmarks yet.
That being said, there are a few out there.  I see that Ted mentioned the
Intel one.  Another is here [1]. As Ted mentioned, these blogs test older
and pre-release versions of Drill.  Nonetheless, Drill already outshines
nearly all of the competition.  That being said, the reality is that most
benchmarks are very skewed and poorly executed so I strongly recommend you
try out Drill on your workload.  Once you get setup, ask the community for
help to tune the system.  Many others are finding it to be incredibly fast
and it has repeatedly displaced commercial MPP databases and older open
source technologies.

Drill is the only open source pure columnar in-memory execution engine
today.  This means that Drill has the right architecture to continue to
increase its lead over other engines. (Think of this as future-proofing.)
 We'll be enhancing the engine with items including columnar functions,
compilation optimizations and customized relational operators in the coming
months.  This will simply extend Drill's performance lead.


[1] http://allegro.tech/fast-data-hackathon.html

Jacques Nadeau
CTO and Co-Founder, Dremio

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 1:47 AM, Ming Han Teh <tehming...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Are there any benchmarks on Apache Drill?
> (standalone benchmarks OR vs Impala/Presto)
> Thanks,
> Ming Han

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