I think Tableau also uses the first query to fetch the structure / metadata of the expected result set.

We have often eliminated performance issues using Tableau by "hiding" the structure of queries by putting them in database views. Could that be a possible solution here?

On 17 Aug 2015, at 11:02, Boris Chmiel wrote:

Hello Driller,
I'm facing issues using the Filter function of Tableau with Drill : Tableau always populates values of the filter with "null".The action is translated into 2 queries within Drill : SELECT \* FROM (SELECT field FROM Table GROUP BY field ORDER BY field ASC) T LIMIT 0 
SELECT field FROM Table GROUP BY field ORDER BY field ASC
It seems that Tableau is fetching the result of the first query (null - which seems to by generated to catch exceptions) instead of the second one. Anyone already met this issue ? Is there a workaround or customization parameter to ajust ? conf : Tableau v9.0 + MapRDrillODBC driver with TDC file deployedDrill V1.1.0

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