Got some questions wrt the JDBC mySQL storage plugin

1) Given that we are getting close to 1.2 and full release of the plugin
what is the status of the push down function, which clauses have been
supported by push down?

2) Creation of my MySQLDB storage plugin gives me Error "(invalid JSON
When trying to connect I get the error whatever I define .... even if I
insert {type:jdbc} or a longer version like below. From seeing the code I
seem to have the right properties. I understand the error will also be
given if I cant connect with the MySQL db at the creation of the storage
plugin, correct ? Any hints of what I shall use ?


3) In another system we could use the storage plugin although it showed
"null" in the drill web-ui ... the configuration could be seen in

4)  When canceling a querying while its running against a big table (~8M
records) drill crashes and we need to restart it.

5) When running “SELECT COUNT(*) from mysql.test;” it is very slow / no
response for very long time (more than 45 seconds).


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