Hi Chris,

I understand now, thank you.

What threw me off was that, in our standard use-case, we are not using cast
for our TIMESTAMP_MILLIS fields and I thought we were getting them directly
formatted from Parquet but then I overlooked our UDF that is handling the
casting... sorry :).

Thank you for taking the time!


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Chris Mathews <math...@uk2.net> wrote:

> Hi Stefan
> I am not sure I fully understand your question 'why you don't seem to be
> storing your dates in Parquet Date files.'
> As far as I am aware all date types in Parquet (ie: DATE, TIME_MILLIS,
> TIMESTAMP_MILLIS) are all stored as either in int32 or int64 annotated
> types. The only other option is to store them as strings (or VARCHAR) and
> interpret them as required when selecting from the Parquet files.
> Please let me know if I have understood your question correctly or not.
> What I have not acheived yet is to use Avro schema definitions (via JSON)
> to define a TIMESTAMP type, which is why we have gone the route of defining
> a VIEW for each Parquet file. By doing this we reduce the amount of casting
> we have to do when building the query since the VIEW effectively does all
> the casting for us behind the scenes.
> We are currently looking at possibility of defining Parquet schemas
> directly (using java) without going the Avro route; in other words produce
> a parser from JSON to Parquet, similar to the Avro parser but supporting
> some other logical types.
> Some background to our drill trials:
> We are generating billions of columns from machine generated data every
> day. There a quite a number of different types of machine generating this
> data and the format of the data varies between machines.  Some produce
> string format dates/timestamps and others numeric (unix epoch style), and
> we have to normalise this data to a common format; for dates this format is
> the Parquet TIMESTAMP_MILLIS type because we need to use millisecond
> granularity when available.
> quote from Parquet docs:
> "TIMESTAMP_MILLIS Logical date and time. Annotates an int64 that stores
> the number of milliseconds from the Unix epoch, 00:00:00.000 on 1 January
> 1970, UTC."
> This type corresponds nicely to the SQL type TIMESTAMP (which is why we
> cast).
> Again, hope this helps.
> Cheers -- Chris
> > On 15 Oct 2015, at 14:46, Stefán Baxter <ste...@activitystream.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Chris, this clarifies a whole lot :).
> >
> > I wanted to try to avoid the cast in the CTAS on the way from Avro to
> > Parquet (not possible) and then avoid casting as much as possible when
> > selecting from the Parquet files.
> >
> > What is still unclear to me is why you don't seem to be storing your
> dates
> > in Parquet Date files.
> >
> > Can you please elaborate a bit on the pros/cons?
> >
> > Regards,
> > -Stefan
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Chris Mathews <math...@uk2.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello Stefan
> >>
> >> We use Avro to define our schemas for Parquet files, and we find that
> >> using long for dates and converting the dates to long using milliseconds
> >> works.  We then CAST the long to a TIMESTAMP on the way out during the
> >> SELECT statement (or by using a VIEW).
> >>
> >> example java snippet:
> >>
> >> //  various date and time formats
> >> public static final String FORMAT_Z_TIMESTAMP = "yyyy-MM-dd
> HH:mm:ss.SSS";
> >> public static final String FORMAT_DATETIME    = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
> >> public static final String FORMAT_DATE        = "yyyy-MM-dd";
> >>
> >> …
> >>
> >> // parser for each format
> >> public final SimpleDateFormat  sdf_z_timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat(
> >> public final SimpleDateFormat  sdf_datetime    = new SimpleDateFormat(
> >> public final SimpleDateFormat  sdf_date        = new SimpleDateFormat(
> >>
> >> …
> >>
> >> //  choose parser based on column name / string format
> >> public SimpleDateFormat  sdf = (NAME_Z_TIMESTAMP.equals(name())) ?
> >> sdf_z_timestamp
> >>                            : (NAME_DATETIME.equals(name()))    ?
> >> sdf_datetime
> >>                            : (NAME_DATE.equals(name()))        ?
> sdf_date
> >>                            : null;
> >> …
> >>
> >> Date date = sdf.parse(str);
> >> long millis = date.getTime();
> >> Object value = new java.lang.Long(millis);
> >>
> >> We then use something like
> >>
> >> AvroParquetWriter<GenericRecord> writer = new
> >> AvroParquetWriter<>(hdfs_path, schema);
> >> GenericRecord data = new GenericData.Record(schema);
> >> data.put( name(), value);
> >> writer.write(data);
> >>
> >> to write the records out directly to a Parquet file.
> >>
> >> example schema:
> >>
> >> {
> >>  "type": "record",
> >>  "name": "timestamp_test",
> >>   "doc": "Avro -> Parquet long to timestamp test",
> >>  "fields":
> >>  [
> >>    { "name": "z_timestamp",  "type": "long" }
> >>   ,{ "name": "datetime",     "type": "long" }
> >>   ,{ "name": "date",         "type": "long" }
> >>   ,{ "name": "granularity",  "type": "long" }
> >>  ]
> >> }
> >>
> >> Then to get the data back we either define a VIEW, or cast during the
> >> SELECT statement.
> >>
> >> example view:
> >>
> >> use hdfs.cjm;
> >>
> >> create or replace view TIMESTAMP_TEST_VIEW as
> >>  CAST(`z_timestamp` AS TIMESTAMP) AS `z_timestamp`
> >> ,CAST(`datetime` AS TIMESTAMP) AS `datetime`
> >> ,CAST(`date` AS DATE) AS `date`
> >> ,CAST(`granularity` AS BIGINT) AS `granularity`
> >>
> >> FROM hdfs.cjm.TIMESTAMP_TEST;
> >>
> >> Then execute the following to get results:
> >>
> >>
> >> 0: jdbc:drill:> select z_timestamp, `datetime`, `date`, granularity from
> >> TIMESTAMP_TEST limit 1;
> >> +----------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+
> >> |  z_timestamp   |    datetime    |      date      | granularity  |
> >> +----------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+
> >> | 1429592511991  | 1429520400000  | 1421625600000  | 3600         |
> >> +----------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+
> >> 1 row selected (2.593 seconds)
> >>
> >> 0: jdbc:drill:> select z_timestamp, `datetime`, `date`, granularity from
> >>
> >>
> +--------------------------+------------------------+-------------+--------------+
> >> |       z_timestamp        |        datetime        |    date     |
> >> granularity  |
> >>
> >>
> +--------------------------+------------------------+-------------+--------------+
> >> | 2015-04-22 05:16:22.173  | 2015-04-21 12:00:00.0  | 2015-01-20  | 3600
> >>       |
> >>
> >>
> +--------------------------+------------------------+-------------+--------------+
> >> 1 row selected (3.282 seconds)
> >>
> >> 0: jdbc:drill:> SELECT
> >> . . . . . . . >   CAST(`z_timestamp` AS TIMESTAMP) AS `z_timestamp`
> >> . . . . . . . >  ,CAST(`datetime` AS TIMESTAMP) AS `datetime`
> >> . . . . . . . >  ,CAST(`date` AS DATE) AS `date`
> >> . . . . . . . >  ,CAST(`granularity` AS BIGINT) AS `granularity`
> >> . . . . . . . >  from TIMESTAMP_TEST limit 1;
> >>
> >>
> +--------------------------+------------------------+-------------+--------------+
> >> |       z_timestamp        |        datetime        |    date     |
> >> granularity  |
> >>
> >>
> +--------------------------+------------------------+-------------+--------------+
> >> | 2015-04-22 05:16:22.173  | 2015-04-21 09:00:00.0  | 2015-01-20  | 3600
> >>       |
> >>
> >>
> +--------------------------+------------------------+-------------+--------------+
> >> 1 row selected (3.071 seconds)
> >>
> >>
> >> Hope this helps.
> >>
> >> Cheers — Chris
> >>
> >>> On 14 Oct 2015, at 16:07, Stefán Baxter <ste...@activitystream.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> What is the best practice when working with dates in a Avro/Parquet
> >>> scenario?
> >>>
> >>> Avro does not support dates directly (only longs) and I'm wondering how
> >> the
> >>> get persisted in Parquet.
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps Parquet does not distinguish between long and date-long in any
> >>> significant way.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> -Stefan
> >>
> >>

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