I'd like to revive this thread. Specifically, what should the expect
behavior of the refresh metadata be when running with impersonation?

Drill Bit User: mapr
Data User (owner): jdoe
Authenticated User: jdoe

So if a base folder, mytable, has subdirectories of dates, 2015-01-01,
2015-01-02 etc. And all the data is owned by jdoe:datareaders, and the
permissions are 750 on all directories and files, how SHOULD the REFRESH
METADATA command be expected to operated if run in sqlline authenticated as
jdoe? (What will the permissions on the metadata files be etc)

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Jacques Nadeau <jacq...@dremio.com> wrote:

> >
> > The output from Drill and the Markup interpreter on Jira apparently had a
> > family argument at Thanksgiving, and don't agree on all things...
> Made my morning :)

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