Hello fellow Driilers,

I have been inactive on the development side of the project, as we got busy
being heavy/power users of the Drill in the last few months.

I just want to share some great experiences with the latest versions of

Just tonight, as we were scrambling to meet the deadline, we were able to
query two years of flat psv files of claims/billing and clinical data in
Drill in less than 60 seconds.

No ETL, no warehousing - just plain SQL against tons of files. Run SQL, get


We have also done some much more important things too, and we had a paper
accepted to Big Data Services about the experiences. The co-author of the
paper is Drill's own Dr. Ted Dunning :-)
I will share it once it is published.

Anyway, cheers to all, and hope to re-join the dev activities soon.


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