I want to join two table using same storage plugin. But One Of the Column
showing null value. I am using this query:-

SELECT T2.ID AS T_ID,T1.ID AS T1_ID ,T1.ProviderID AS ProviderID,
 T1.Name AS Name, T2.Code AS Code
 FROM SqlServer.StuentDetails.P21.Class1 AS T1
 right outer JOIN SqlServer.StuentDetails.P21.Class2
 AS T2 ON T1.ProviderID = T2.ID

Here SqlServer is Storage Plugin Name, StuentDetails is Database Name, P21 is
a Schema Name, Class1, Class2 are Table Names.

While executing this query T_ID showing Null.

But If I am using two different storage plugin name with same credential it
works properly.

*Is it possible to join two table using same storage plugin name? If
yes,then What am I doing wrong in this query?*

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