This is supposed to work, especially since LIKE predicate is not even on
the partitioning column (it should work either way).  I did a quick test
with file system tables and it works for LIKE conditions.  Not sure yet
about Hive tables.  Could you pls file a JIRA and we'll follow up.


On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 1:09 AM, Shankar Mane <>

> Problem:
> 1. In drill, we are using hive partition table. But explain plan (same
> query) for like and = operator differs and used all partitions in case of
> like operator.
> 2. If you see below drill explain plans: Like operator uses *all*
> partitions where
> = operator uses *only* partition filtered by log_date condition.
> FYI- We are storing our logs in hive partition table (parquet,
> gz-compressed). Each partition is having ~15 GB data. Below is the describe
> statement output from hive:
> /**************************************************************** Hive
> ************************************************************************************/
> hive> desc hive_kafkalogs_daily ;
> OK
> col_name data_type comment
> sessionid           string
> ajaxurl             string
> log_date             string
> # Partition Information
> # col_name             data_type           comment
> log_date             string
> /***************************************************************** Drill
> Plan (query with LIKE)
> ***********************************************************************************/
> explain plan for select sessionid, servertime, ajaxUrl from
> hive.hive_kafkalogs_daily where log_date = '2016-05-09' and ajaxUrl like
> '%utm_source%' limit 1 ;
> +------+------+
> | text | json |
> +------+------+
> | 00-00    Screen
> 00-01      Project(sessionid=[$0], servertime=[$1], ajaxUrl=[$2])
> 00-02        SelectionVectorRemover
> 00-03          Limit(fetch=[1])
> 00-04            UnionExchange
> 01-01              SelectionVectorRemover
> 01-02                Limit(fetch=[1])
> 01-03                  Project(sessionid=[$0], servertime=[$1],
> ajaxUrl=[$2])
> 01-04                    SelectionVectorRemover
> 01-05                      Filter(condition=[AND(=($3, '2016-05-09'),
> LIKE($2, '%utm_source%'))])
> 01-06                        Scan(groupscan=[HiveScan
> [table=Table(dbName:default, tableName:hive_kafkalogs_daily),
> columns=[`sessionid`, `servertime`, `ajaxurl`, `log_date`],
> numPartitions=29, partitions= [Partition(values:[2016-04-11]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-12]), Partition(values:[2016-04-13]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-14]), Partition(values:[2016-04-15]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-16]), Partition(values:[2016-04-17]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-18]), Partition(values:[2016-04-19]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-20]), Partition(values:[2016-04-21]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-22]), Partition(values:[2016-04-23]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-24]), Partition(values:[2016-04-25]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-26]), Partition(values:[2016-04-27]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-28]), Partition(values:[2016-04-29]),
> Partition(values:[2016-04-30]), Partition(values:[2016-05-01]),
> Partition(values:[2016-05-02]), Partition(values:[2016-05-03]),
> Partition(values:[2016-05-04]), Partition(values:[2016-05-05]),
> Partition(values:[2016-05-06]), Partition(values:[2016-05-07]),
> Partition(values:[2016-05-08]), Partition(values:[2016-05-09])],
> inputDirectories=[hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160411,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160412,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160413,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160414,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160415,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160416,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160417,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160418,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160419,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160420,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160421,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160422,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160423,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160424,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160425,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160426,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160427,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160428,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160429,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160430,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160501,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160502,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160503,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160504,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160505,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160506,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160507,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160508,
> hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160509]]])
>  | {
>   "head" : {
>     "version" : 1,
>     "generator" : {
>       "type" : "ExplainHandler",
>       "info" : ""
>     },
>     "type" : "APACHE_DRILL_PHYSICAL",
>     "options" : [ ],
>     "queue" : 0,
>     "resultMode" : "EXEC"
>   },
>   "graph" : [ {
>     "pop" : "hive-scan",
>     "@id" : 65542,
>     "userName" : "hadoop",
>     "hive-table" : {
>       "table" : {
>         "tableName" : "hive_kafkalogs_daily",
>         "dbName" : "default",
>         "owner" : "hadoop",
>         "createTime" : 1461952920,
>         "lastAccessTime" : 0,
>         "retention" : 0,
>         "sd" : {
>           "cols" : [ {
>             "name" : "sessionid",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           }, {
>             "name" : "servertime",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           }, {
>             "name" : "ajaxurl",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           } ],
>           "location" :
> "hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily",
>           "inputFormat" :
> "",
>           "outputFormat" :
> "",
>           "compressed" : false,
>           "numBuckets" : -1,
>           "serDeInfo" : {
>             "name" : null,
>             "serializationLib" :
> "",
>             "parameters" : {
>               "serialization.format" : "1"
>             }
>           },
>           "sortCols" : [ ],
>           "parameters" : { }
>         },
>         "partitionKeys" : [ {
>           "name" : "log_date",
>           "type" : "string",
>           "comment" : null
>         } ],
>         "parameters" : {
>           "EXTERNAL" : "TRUE",
>           "transient_lastDdlTime" : "1461952920"
>         },
>         "viewOriginalText" : null,
>         "viewExpandedText" : null,
>         "tableType" : "EXTERNAL_TABLE"
>       },
>       "partitions" : [ {
>         "values" : [ "2016-04-11" ],
>         "tableName" : "hive_kafkalogs_daily",
>         "dbName" : "default",
>         "createTime" : 1461952941,
>         "lastAccessTime" : 0,
>         "sd" : {
>           "cols" : [ {
>             "name" : "sessionid",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           |
> +------+------+
> 1 row selected (0.859 seconds)
> /***************************************************************** Drill
> Plan (query without LIKE)
> ***********************************************************************************/
> explain plan for select sessionid, servertime, ajaxUrl from
> hive.hive_kafkalogs_daily where log_date = '2016-05-09' and ajaxUrl =
> 'utm_source' limit 1 ;
> +------+------+
> | text | json |
> +------+------+
> | 00-00    Screen
> 00-01      Project(sessionid=[$0], servertime=[$1], ajaxUrl=[$2])
> 00-02        SelectionVectorRemover
> 00-03          Limit(fetch=[1])
> 00-04            UnionExchange
> 01-01              SelectionVectorRemover
> 01-02                Limit(fetch=[1])
> 01-03                  Project(sessionid=[$0], servertime=[$1],
> ajaxUrl=[$2])
> 01-04                    SelectionVectorRemover
> 01-05                      Filter(condition=[AND(=($3, '2016-05-09'), =($2,
> 'utm_source'))])
> 01-06                        Scan(groupscan=[HiveScan
> [table=Table(dbName:default, tableName:hive_kafkalogs_daily),
> columns=[`sessionid`, `servertime`, `ajaxurl`, `log_date`],
> numPartitions=1, partitions= [Partition(values:[2016-05-09])],
> inputDirectories=[hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily_20160509]]])
>  | {
>   "head" : {
>     "version" : 1,
>     "generator" : {
>       "type" : "ExplainHandler",
>       "info" : ""
>     },
>     "type" : "APACHE_DRILL_PHYSICAL",
>     "options" : [ ],
>     "queue" : 0,
>     "resultMode" : "EXEC"
>   },
>   "graph" : [ {
>     "pop" : "hive-scan",
>     "@id" : 65542,
>     "userName" : "hadoop",
>     "hive-table" : {
>       "table" : {
>         "tableName" : "hive_kafkalogs_daily",
>         "dbName" : "default",
>         "owner" : "hadoop",
>         "createTime" : 1461952920,
>         "lastAccessTime" : 0,
>         "retention" : 0,
>         "sd" : {
>           "cols" : [ {
>             "name" : "sessionid",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           }, {
>             "name" : "servertime",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           }, {
>             "name" : "ajaxurl",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           } ],
>           "location" :
> "hdfs://namenode:9000/usr/hive/warehouse/hive_kafkalogs_daily",
>           "inputFormat" :
> "",
>           "outputFormat" :
> "",
>           "compressed" : false,
>           "numBuckets" : -1,
>           "serDeInfo" : {
>             "name" : null,
>             "serializationLib" :
> "",
>             "parameters" : {
>               "serialization.format" : "1"
>             }
>           },
>           "sortCols" : [ ],
>           "parameters" : { }
>         },
>         "partitionKeys" : [ {
>           "name" : "log_date",
>           "type" : "string",
>           "comment" : null
>         } ],
>         "parameters" : {
>           "EXTERNAL" : "TRUE",
>           "transient_lastDdlTime" : "1461952920"
>         },
>         "viewOriginalText" : null,
>         "viewExpandedText" : null,
>         "tableType" : "EXTERNAL_TABLE"
>       },
>       "partitions" : [ {
>         "values" : [ "2016-05-09" ],
>         "tableName" : "hive_kafkalogs_daily",
>         "dbName" : "default",
>         "createTime" : 1462848405,
>         "lastAccessTime" : 0,
>         "sd" : {
>           "cols" : [ {
>             "name" : "sessionid",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           }, {
>             "name" : "servertime",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>           }, {
>             "name" : "ajaxurl",
>             "type" : "string",
>             "comment" : null
>      |
> +------+------+
> 1 row selected (3.394 seconds)

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