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I am using the MapR ODBC driver. I can get it to connect in direct mode,
however, I can't get it to connect in Zookeeper mode.  I think I know why.

To start off, I am using a different zk.root in my drill-override. This
allows me to have truly unique drill clusters on the same physical
clusters. This works well for most things, however, what I have found, is I
believe the ODBC driver assumes a hard coded zk.root. (drill).

For example, my cluster name is "drillprod" and my zk.root is "drillprod"
So, to connect via JDBC I use URL=

This works

However, I set the ZKClusterID  to be drillprod in ODBC and I get

Failure occurred while trying to connect to zk=,,

If set the ZKQuorum to be ",,"

Then I get this error:

Failure occurred while trying to connect to zk=,,

The Znode: /drill/drillprod doesn't exist, neither does
/drillprod/drill/drillprod. The correct one, for this use case is

But I can't seem to get the ODBC driver to check there, as it appears to
hard code a /drill rather than allow me to specify the zk.root as the
drill-override.conf does.

Please advise


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