Drill Members,

I have an intriguing problem where I have hundreds of thousands or even 
millions of records stored in jsonb format in uneven JSon objects in a 
PostgreSQL database. I would like to be able to implicitly grab column names 
and data types using your tool since neither PostreSQL or Pentaho have this 
function. My current tool for this task is Scala but I am not dedicated to 
writing and keeping up with the JSon format specs; etc. in real time.

Is it possible by conversion or otherwise to read the jsonb or a text string 
from PostgreSQL as if it were being queried from a "json" type storage instead 
of a "jdbc" type storage? If so, could I pull in different columns from 
PostgreSQL without some sort of key (with the original query)? Is there the 
ability to do some thing like SELECT pkey, 
split_to_columns(convert_to(field,'JSON')) FROM postgres.mytable?

For context, I have posted an example record below:

pkey       ,  data
1423234, "{"loadCaseResult": {"case": {"type": "Adoption (Family)", "judge": 
null, "style": "Confidential", "caseId": "12", "events": {"event": [{"date": 
"08/06/2014", "type": "Request: Action", "comment": "900125-Request for Action  
              \n Filed/Issued By"}}}

Thank you for your time,

Andrew Evans
Java/Scala/Python Programmer at Hygenics Data,LLC

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