Anyone has any insights into how the Hive storage plug-in can handle Hive
MetaStore HA? The Hive storage plug-in has only one property for
hive.metastore.uris and it takes only one IP:port. When I add a second one,
the update of the storage plug-in fails.

  "configProps": {
    "hive.metastore.uris": "thrift://<ip>:9083"

How can we give 2 IP's to Drill so it knows to try the second IP if its not
able to talk to the first one?

Thanks in advance.

Veera Naranammalpuram
Product Specialist - SQL on Hadoop
*MapR Technologies ( <>)*
*(Email) <>*
*(Mobile) 917 683 8116 - can text *
*Timezone: ET (UTC -5:00 / -4:00)*

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