
I am evaluating Drills as the query service for our analytics applications to 
access various data sources and it seems to fill the needs very well. However I 
have one concern/question that I could not find the answer from Drill’s website 
or on google.

My question/concern is that from what I’ve read, the storage plugin 
configuration requires static user id and password set in the configuration 
which storage plugin will use to connect to the backend data source/database. I 
need Drill client to pass the user id and password at query submission to 
storage plugin (e.g. RDMBS) and have storage plugin use that to connect to the 
back end data source/database.  Obviously each client has his/her own set of 
user id and password for each data source/database.  Is there anyway that I can 
achieve this?


Yaxiong Lin
Mayo Clinic

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