Can you try these two queries ?, and are you trying to execute your query
from Drill's sqlline prompt or from a Java program ?

select X.CF.`11503` from hbase.`X**` where
convert_from(row_key, 'bigint_be') = 916124337090;

and this one

select X.CF.`11503` from hbase.`X**` where
convert_from(row_key, 'UTF8') = 916124337090;

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Krishnaprasad A S <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a doubt on Hbase storage in Drill.
> My HBase table 'X' has a column family 'CF' and a column name which is an
> integer.
> we store the data in hbase with column name as bytes array, using the
> following code to create the byte[] (as normal in Hbase).
> byte[] column = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes*.toBytes(integerValue)*
> if my column name is integer 11503,
> then how can I query the data from the specific column.
> Currently the following query does not work, it returns zero rows even
> though data exists in the column.
> *select X.CF.`11503` from hbase.`X**` where
> convert_from(byte_substr(row_key, 1, 12), 'bigint_be') = 916124337090;*
> Any help ?
> --
> Krishnaprasad A S
> <
> >

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