Hi all,

I was recently going through the https://drill.apache.org/docs/ documentation 
to setup a Distributed Mode Drill cluster that will consume data off of HDFS.  
Our cluster runs Ubuntu 14.04.  I found that following the PAM installation 
steps at https://drill.apache.org/docs/configuring-user-authentication/ had an 
unfortunate side effect.  It appears that setting

export DRILLBIT_JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/opt/pam/"

in drill-env.sh as the documentation suggests causes the java library path to 
be overwritten, knocking off important files such as libhadoop.so  The net 
effect of this is that when performing certain actions, such as querying a 
snappy compressed file, the relevant library files would not be available 
causing the action to fail.  In the case of querying snappy files, this would 
result in the error:

2016-06-17 09:36:29,385 [USER-rpc-event-queue] ERROR 
o.a.d.exec.server.rest.QueryWrapper - Query Failed
org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException: DATA_READ ERROR: 
Failure reading JSON file - native snappy library not available: this version 
of libhadoop was built without snappy support.

To resolve this issue, I instead added the libjpam.so file to drill-env.sh by 


This appears to have resolved the issue so far, allowing me to both 
authenticate with pam and query snappy compressed files.  I'm emailing then 
with two purposes:

*         Should I be concerned that this diversion from the documentation will 
cause issues in the future?

*         To let others know, in case they run into odd behavior after 
installing jpam, that this may help.


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