Great, thanks! I'm gonna try swapping the view file and see how it goes.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:09:45AM -0500, John Omernik wrote:
Yes, I have a view that has the hard coded date in it. It wasn't difficult,
and using the REST API was actually fairly neat/clean.  I agree with you,
it would be nice, but this worked pretty well for me too.  (I also wonder
if you could just change the raw view def file and update the date)


On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:26 AM, Oscar Morante <> wrote:

Hi John,
I've been following your trail of emails :)  Thanks for sharing all that
info, it's very useful.

I think I'm trying to do something very similar to what you did.  I have
data flowing from Storm into S3 and I wanted to be able to periodically
preprocess/repartition into new folder and then have views to merge recent
data from the raw Storm files and old data from the
preprocessed/repartitioned folders.  These views are intended to be used
from Tableau.

I guess I can create a small process that checks when a new folder with
preprocessed data is available and replaces the appropriate view files with
new versions that have the proper date string.  But it would be a lot nicer
to just do it in the view and have a dumb process executing the periodic

How did you "solve" it in the end?  If I can ask.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 07:26:20AM -0500, John Omernik wrote:

I think I ran into that issue before and (someone will correct me if I am
wrong) the issue is that current_date is only materialized AFTER planning.
Thus the pruning, which occurs during planning doesn't happen.  Is this a
programatic query or just something that is being done for users? I know
issue was I wanted a view that showed only the current date, and I
struggled to come up with a good solution to that.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 6:06 AM, Oscar Morante <>

I'm trying to trigger partition prunning like this:

   select *
   from dfs.`json/by-date`
   where dir0 = cast(current_date as varchar);

But apparently, it only works when passing a literal.  Am I missing


Oscar Morante
"Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is."
                                                         -- Isaac Asimov.

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