Ok so query planning took less than one second in both the aggregate
Looks like most of the time is getting spent in query execution.

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Shankar Mane <shankar.m...@games24x7.com>

> Please find the query plan for both queries. FYI: I am not seeing
> any planning difference between these 2 queries except Cost.
> /******************************** Query on GZ
> ****************************************/
> 0: jdbc:drill:> explain plan for select channelid, count(serverTime) from
> dfs.`/tmp/stest-gz/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.gz` group by channelid ;
> +------+------+
> | text | json |
> +------+------+
> | 00-00    Screen
> 00-01      Project(channelid=[$0], EXPR$1=[$1])
> 00-02        UnionExchange
> 01-01          HashAgg(group=[{0}], EXPR$1=[$SUM0($1)])
> 01-02            Project(channelid=[$0], EXPR$1=[$1])
> 01-03              HashToRandomExchange(dist0=[[$0]])
> 02-01                UnorderedMuxExchange
> 03-01                  Project(channelid=[$0], EXPR$1=[$1],
> E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D=[hash32AsDouble($0)])
> 03-02                    HashAgg(group=[{0}], EXPR$1=[COUNT($1)])
> 03-03                      Scan(groupscan=[EasyGroupScan
> [selectionRoot=hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-gz/
> kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.gz,
> numFiles=1, columns=[`channelid`, `serverTime`],
> files=[hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-gz/kafka_3_25-Jul-
> 2016-12a.json.gz]]])
>  | {
>   "head" : {
>     "version" : 1,
>     "generator" : {
>       "type" : "ExplainHandler",
>       "info" : ""
>     },
>     "type" : "APACHE_DRILL_PHYSICAL",
>     "options" : [ ],
>     "queue" : 0,
>     "resultMode" : "EXEC"
>   },
>   "graph" : [ {
>     "pop" : "fs-scan",
>     "@id" : 196611,
>     "userName" : "hadoop",
>     "files" : [
> "hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-gz/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.gz" ],
>     "storage" : {
>       "type" : "file",
>       "enabled" : true,
>       "connection" : "hdfs://namenode:9000",
>       "config" : null,
>       "workspaces" : {
>         "root" : {
>           "location" : "/tmp/",
>           "writable" : true,
>           "defaultInputFormat" : null
>         },
>         "tmp" : {
>           "location" : "/tmp",
>           "writable" : true,
>           "defaultInputFormat" : null
>         }
>       },
>       "formats" : {
>         "psv" : {
>           "type" : "text",
>           "extensions" : [ "tbl" ],
>           "delimiter" : "|"
>         },
>         "csv" : {
>           "type" : "text",
>           "extensions" : [ "csv" ],
>           "delimiter" : ","
>         },
>         "tsv" : {
>           "type" : "text",
>           "extensions" : [ "tsv" ],
>           "delimiter" : "\t"
>         },
>         "parquet" : {
>           "type" : "parquet"
>         },
>         "json" : {
>           "type" : "json",
>           "extensions" : [ "json" ]
>         },
>         "avro" : {
>           "type" : "avro"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "format" : {
>       "type" : "json",
>       "extensions" : [ "json" ]
>     },
>     "columns" : [ "`channelid`", "`serverTime`" ],
>     "selectionRoot" :
> "hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-gz/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.gz",
>     "cost" : 1800981.0
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "hash-aggregate",
>     "@id" : 196610,
>     "child" : 196611,
>     "cardinality" : 1.0,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "groupByExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     } ],
>     "aggrExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "count(`serverTime`) "
>     } ],
>     "cost" : 900490.5
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "project",
>     "@id" : 196609,
>     "exprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "`EXPR$1`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D`",
>       "expr" : "hash32asdouble(`channelid`) "
>     } ],
>     "child" : 196610,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 180098.1
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "unordered-mux-exchange",
>     "@id" : 131073,
>     "child" : 196609,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 180098.1
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "hash-to-random-exchange",
>     "@id" : 65539,
>     "child" : 131073,
>     "expr" : "`E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D`",
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 180098.1
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "project",
>     "@id" : 65538,
>     "exprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "`EXPR$1`"
>     } ],
>     "child" : 65539,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 180098.1
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "hash-aggregate",
>     "@id" : 65537,
>     "child" : 65538,
>     "cardinality" : 1.0,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "groupByExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     } ],
>     "aggrExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "$sum0(`EXPR$1`) "
>     } ],
>     "cost" : 90049.05
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "union-exchange",
>     "@id" : 2,
>     "child" : 65537,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 18009.81
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "project",
>     "@id" : 1,
>     "exprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "`EXPR$1`"
>     } ],
>     "child" : 2,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 18009.81
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "screen",
>     "@id" : 0,
>     "child" : 1,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 18009.81
>   } ]
> } |
> +------+------+
> 1 row selected (0.729 seconds)
> 0: jdbc:drill:>
> /******************************** Query on BZ
> ****************************************/
> 0: jdbc:drill:> explain plan for select channelid, count(serverTime) from
> dfs.`/tmp/stest-bz2/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.bz2` group by channelid ;
> +------+------+
> | text | json |
> +------+------+
> | 00-00    Screen
> 00-01      Project(channelid=[$0], EXPR$1=[$1])
> 00-02        UnionExchange
> 01-01          HashAgg(group=[{0}], EXPR$1=[$SUM0($1)])
> 01-02            Project(channelid=[$0], EXPR$1=[$1])
> 01-03              HashToRandomExchange(dist0=[[$0]])
> 02-01                UnorderedMuxExchange
> 03-01                  Project(channelid=[$0], EXPR$1=[$1],
> E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D=[hash32AsDouble($0)])
> 03-02                    HashAgg(group=[{0}], EXPR$1=[COUNT($1)])
> 03-03                      Scan(groupscan=[EasyGroupScan
> [selectionRoot=hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-bz2/
> kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.bz2,
> numFiles=1, columns=[`channelid`, `serverTime`],
> files=[hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-bz2/kafka_3_25-Jul-
> 2016-12a.json.bz2]]])
>  | {
>   "head" : {
>     "version" : 1,
>     "generator" : {
>       "type" : "ExplainHandler",
>       "info" : ""
>     },
>     "type" : "APACHE_DRILL_PHYSICAL",
>     "options" : [ ],
>     "queue" : 0,
>     "resultMode" : "EXEC"
>   },
>   "graph" : [ {
>     "pop" : "fs-scan",
>     "@id" : 196611,
>     "userName" : "hadoop",
>     "files" : [
> "hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-bz2/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.bz2" ],
>     "storage" : {
>       "type" : "file",
>       "enabled" : true,
>       "connection" : "hdfs://namenode:9000",
>       "config" : null,
>       "workspaces" : {
>         "root" : {
>           "location" : "/tmp/",
>           "writable" : true,
>           "defaultInputFormat" : null
>         },
>         "tmp" : {
>           "location" : "/tmp",
>           "writable" : true,
>           "defaultInputFormat" : null
>         }
>       },
>       "formats" : {
>         "psv" : {
>           "type" : "text",
>           "extensions" : [ "tbl" ],
>           "delimiter" : "|"
>         },
>         "csv" : {
>           "type" : "text",
>           "extensions" : [ "csv" ],
>           "delimiter" : ","
>         },
>         "tsv" : {
>           "type" : "text",
>           "extensions" : [ "tsv" ],
>           "delimiter" : "\t"
>         },
>         "parquet" : {
>           "type" : "parquet"
>         },
>         "json" : {
>           "type" : "json",
>           "extensions" : [ "json" ]
>         },
>         "avro" : {
>           "type" : "avro"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "format" : {
>       "type" : "json",
>       "extensions" : [ "json" ]
>     },
>     "columns" : [ "`channelid`", "`serverTime`" ],
>     "selectionRoot" :
> "hdfs://namenode:9000/tmp/stest-bz2/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.bz2",
>     "cost" : 1148224.0
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "hash-aggregate",
>     "@id" : 196610,
>     "child" : 196611,
>     "cardinality" : 1.0,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "groupByExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     } ],
>     "aggrExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "count(`serverTime`) "
>     } ],
>     "cost" : 574112.0
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "project",
>     "@id" : 196609,
>     "exprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "`EXPR$1`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D`",
>       "expr" : "hash32asdouble(`channelid`) "
>     } ],
>     "child" : 196610,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 114822.4
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "unordered-mux-exchange",
>     "@id" : 131073,
>     "child" : 196609,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 114822.4
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "hash-to-random-exchange",
>     "@id" : 65539,
>     "child" : 131073,
>     "expr" : "`E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D`",
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 114822.4
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "project",
>     "@id" : 65538,
>     "exprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "`EXPR$1`"
>     } ],
>     "child" : 65539,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 114822.4
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "hash-aggregate",
>     "@id" : 65537,
>     "child" : 65538,
>     "cardinality" : 1.0,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "groupByExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     } ],
>     "aggrExprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "$sum0(`EXPR$1`) "
>     } ],
>     "cost" : 57411.2
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "union-exchange",
>     "@id" : 2,
>     "child" : 65537,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 11482.24
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "project",
>     "@id" : 1,
>     "exprs" : [ {
>       "ref" : "`channelid`",
>       "expr" : "`channelid`"
>     }, {
>       "ref" : "`EXPR$1`",
>       "expr" : "`EXPR$1`"
>     } ],
>     "child" : 2,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 11482.24
>   }, {
>     "pop" : "screen",
>     "@id" : 0,
>     "child" : 1,
>     "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
>     "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
>     "cost" : 11482.24
>   } ]
> } |
> +------+------+
> 1 row selected (0.381 seconds)
> 0: jdbc:drill:>
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Khurram Faraaz <kfar...@maprtech.com>
> wrote:
> > Can you please do an explain plan over the two aggregate queries. That
> way
> > we can know where most of the time is being spent, is it in the query
> > planning phase or is it query execution that is taking longer. Please
> share
> > the query plans and the time taken for those explain plan statements.
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Shankar Mane <shankar.m...@games24x7.com
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > It is plain json (1 json per line).
> > > Each json message size = ~4kb
> > > no. of json messages = ~5 Millions.
> > >
> > > store.parquet.compression = snappy ( i don't think, this parameter get
> > > used. As I am querying select only.)
> > >
> > >
> > > On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Khurram Faraaz <kfar...@maprtech.com>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > What is the data format within those .gz and .bz2 files ? It is
> parquet
> > > or
> > > > JSON or plain text (CSV) ?
> > > > Also, what was this config parameter `store.parquet.compression` set
> > to,
> > > > when ypu ran your test ?
> > > >
> > > > - Khurram
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 11:17 PM, Shankar Mane <
> > > shankar.m...@games24x7.com
> > > > >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Awaiting for response..
> > > > >
> > > > > On 30-Jul-2016 3:20 PM, "Shankar Mane" <shankar.m...@games24x7.com
> >
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > I am Comparing Querying speed between GZ and BZ2.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Below are the 2 files and their sizes (This 2 files have same
> > data):
> > > > > > kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.gz = 1.8G
> > > > > > kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.bz2= 1.1G
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Results:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 0: jdbc:drill:> select channelid, count(serverTime) from
> > > > > dfs.`/tmp/stest-gz/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.gz` group by
> > channelid
> > > ;
> > > > > > +------------+----------+
> > > > > > | channelid  |  EXPR$1  |
> > > > > > +------------+----------+
> > > > > > | 3          | 977134   |
> > > > > > | 0          | 836850   |
> > > > > > | 2          | 3202854  |
> > > > > > +------------+----------+
> > > > > > 3 rows selected (86.034 seconds)
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 0: jdbc:drill:> select channelid, count(serverTime) from
> > > > > dfs.`/tmp/stest-bz2/kafka_3_25-Jul-2016-12a.json.bz2` group by
> > > channelid
> > > > ;
> > > > > > +------------+----------+
> > > > > > | channelid  |  EXPR$1  |
> > > > > > +------------+----------+
> > > > > > | 3          | 977134   |
> > > > > > | 0          | 836850   |
> > > > > > | 2          | 3202854  |
> > > > > > +------------+----------+
> > > > > > 3 rows selected (459.079 seconds)
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Questions:
> > > > > > 1. As per above Test: Gz is 6x fast than Bz2. why is that ?
> > > > > > 2. How can we speed to up Bz2.  Are there any configuration to
> do ?
> > > > > > 3. As bz2 is splittable format, How drill using it ?
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > regards,
> > > > > > shankar
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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