
Make sure you have impersonation enabled on every cluster node (drillbit).
Specifically, check the configuration on the drillbit you connected
directly. In theory, connecting through ZK or direct should have no effect
on impersonation.

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 1:31 PM, scott <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I think I have discovered a bug, but I wanted to run this by the community
> first. I was testing user impersonation on a MapR cluster in cluster mode.
> I put in the ZK connect string and it works fine. The permissions limit
> access as I would expect. Then, I tested a direct connection to one of the
> drillbits using port 31010 with same login credentials. This time, I had
> full access to everything in maprfs, as if I were logged in as the mapr
> user.
> Has anyone else experienced this or has an explanation for it?
> Thanks,
> Scott

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