Profiles of running queries are stored in Zookeeper (or the configured 
transient store).

Thank you,

> On Aug 18, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Anup Tiwari <> wrote:
> Thanks chun for info..
> But can you tell me from where, running queries status come on profile
> user-interface(UI)? Because if it's coming on profile UI then it must have
> some back end file or something like that..
> On 18-Aug-2016 11:37 PM, "Chun Chang" <> wrote:
> Anup,
> I believe only when a query is in a "terminal", i.e.
> cancelled/completed/failed state, then it is written to the
> drillbit_queries.json file on the foreman node. If what you want to do is
> monitoring queries running on your cluster, your best bet is to configure
> your cluster to store profile information on HDFS and monitor through query
> profile. Remember if you have a cluster, you will have a
> drillbit_queries.json file on very cluster node where drillbit is running.
> And each file only contains completed queries that were run on that node as
> foreman. You would have to aggregate to get the whole picture of your
> cluster. Even that, you will not see running queries.
> Hope this helps.
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 12:34 AM, Anup Tiwari <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We want to see all types of queries which ran on drill cluster or
> currently
>> running from drill prompt, Can someone help us on this?
>> To achieve above , we read the drill documentation and set up a storage
>> plugin to access local file system and able to query
>> *"drillbit_queries.json"* log file, but in above file we are getting
> status
>> of all queries whose status is either "cancelled","completed" or "failed"
>> but missing "running". At the same time we check drill profile interface
>> where we can see running queries.
>> I am sure if we can see on User-Interface then it must be coming from
>> somewhere.
>> Kindly help me on this.
>> Regards,
>> *Anup Tiwari*
>> Software Engineer(BI-Team),PlayGames24x7 Pvt Ltd

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