I am using drill in embedded mode in window having 1.8 version. 
Suppose i have fire query :- select * from DemoSQLServer..Attribute; It will 
return some output.
Now my question is :- Is it possible to save the output ?  I know in drill 
documnet  !record  is there:- 
While using record it will save the output in bin folder in file format.
But I want to save the output in any format  (e.g:- csv, txt, excel, etc) and 
in any where (i.e:- in any directory or folder). OR:- Can i give file 
extension(e.g:- csv, excel, txt, etc) and directory name( e.g:- 
d://<someFolderName>) which i want to save the output in query itself.?
Is it Possible in Drill.? or any other option is there.? 

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