What version of Drill are you on ?
Can you please share the query plan for your query ?
Please share the table definitions ?
Is this a standalone setup or cluster of Drillbits ?

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 2:23 PM, <mridul.cho...@rbs.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working on a proof of concept to optimize the performance of the
> join queries executed through drill. The underlying storage is a NO-SQL
> based database - Mongo DB. The time it takes to return the result of the
> join query is very high (46 seconds). Upon further analysis, as per the
> physical plan of the query it is observed that both the left side (15 lakh
> records) and right side table (13 lakh) are fully scanned and it takes 24
> seconds and 20 seconds respectively for the same.
> Here is the query -
> select ta.[SOME_COLUMN] from mongo.Test.TABLEA ta INNER JOIN
> mongo.Test.TABLEB ta ON ta.Id = tb.Id and ta.Id ='123'
> Records in table A : 15 Lakhs
> Records in table B : 13 Lakhs
> Filter condition : Id is indexed field in both the tables (ascending)
> Drill Plan shows Hash-join being performed as shown in the plan (as
> attached above)
> I have the following questions -
> 1)     Why does drill fetch all the records into the memory even though
> filter condition on the indexed column was provided for one of the table ?
> 2)     If the Drill planner/optimizer is intelligent then records could
> have been filtered on the second table as well based on the join condition
> (to reduce the dataset and hence result in faster execution time)
> 3)     Are there any performance tuning options available to bring down
> the query response time and generate a better query plan ?
> I would appreciate if you can provide me pointers/directions or answers to
> the above questions.
> Please feel free if you need any additional information.
> Thanks,
> Mridul
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