
I have installed apache drill 1.9.0 on my local mac and trying to connect
to s3 bucket to query the parquet files stored, after following all steps
in the blogs provided:

The core-site.xml is created in conf directory as suggested.


I have tried everything that the comments have suggested..

When I use s3a in storage plugin I get the below error:
*Error: SYSTEM ERROR: IllegalArgumentException: The bucketName parameter
must be specified.*

*[Error Id: 55d403c8-1f07-4296-acdf-9253229d1058 on
<>] (state=,code=0)*

When I use s3n, I get below error:

*Error: SYSTEM ERROR: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid hostname in URI s3n*

I am using aws key, secret key also in the storage plugin in connection as
else I get below:

*Error: SYSTEM ERROR: SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated*

Please advice or let me know if you need any more information.



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