Hello all,

I am quering select * from dfs.xxx where yyy (filter condition)

I am using dfs storage plugin that comes out of the box from drill on a 1GB
file, local to the drill cluster.
The 1GB file is split into 10 files of 100 MB each.
As expected I see 11 minor and 2 major fagments.
The drill cluster is 5 nodes cluster with 4 cores, 32 GB  each.

One observation is that the query plan time is more than 30 seconds. I ran
the explain plan query to validate this.
The query execution time is 2 secs.
total time taken is 32secs

I wanted to understand how can i minimise the query plan time. Suggestions ?
Is the time taken described above expected ?
Attached is result from explain plan query

| text | json |
| 00-00    Screen
00-01      Project(*=[$0])
00-02        UnionExchange
01-01          Project(T2¦¦*=[$0])
01-02            SelectionVectorRemover
01-03              Filter(condition=[AND(=($1, '41'), =($2, '568'))])
01-04                Project(T2¦¦*=[$0], ORDER_ID=[$1], CUSTOMER_ID=[$2])
01-05                  Scan(groupscan=[EasyGroupScan 
[selectionRoot=file:/scratch/localdisk/drill/testdata/Cust_1G_tsv, numFiles=10, 
columns=[`*`], files=[file:/scratch/localdisk/drill/testdata/Cust_1G_tsv/4.tsv, 
 | {
  "head" : {
    "version" : 1,
    "generator" : {
      "type" : "ExplainHandler",
      "info" : ""
    "options" : [ ],
    "queue" : 0,
    "resultMode" : "EXEC"
  "graph" : [ {
    "pop" : "fs-scan",
    "@id" : 65541,
    "userName" : "optitest",
    "files" : [ "file:/scratch/localdisk/drill/testdata/Cust_1G_tsv/4.tsv", 
"file:/scratch/localdisk/drill/testdata/Cust_1G_tsv/9.tsv" ],
    "storage" : {
      "type" : "file",
      "enabled" : true,
      "connection" : "file:///",
      "config" : null,
      "workspaces" : {
        "root" : {
          "location" : "/",
          "writable" : true,
          "defaultInputFormat" : null
        "tpch9m" : {
          "location" : "/user/hive/warehouse/tpch9m.db",
          "writable" : true,
          "defaultInputFormat" : null
        "taxi1m" : {
          "location" : "/user/hive/warehouse/taxi.db/taxi_enriched_sukhdeep_1m",
          "writable" : true,
          "defaultInputFormat" : null
        "tmp" : {
          "location" : "/tmp",
          "writable" : true,
          "defaultInputFormat" : null
      "formats" : {
        "psv" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "extensions" : [ "tbl" ],
          "delimiter" : "|"
        "csv" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "extensions" : [ "csv" ],
          "delimiter" : ","
        "tsv" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "extensions" : [ "tsv" ],
          "extractHeader" : true,
          "delimiter" : "\t"
        "parquet" : {
          "type" : "parquet"
        "json" : {
          "type" : "json",
          "extensions" : [ "json" ]
        "avro" : {
          "type" : "avro"
        "sequencefile" : {
          "type" : "sequencefile",
          "extensions" : [ "seq" ]
        "csvh" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "extensions" : [ "csvh" ],
          "extractHeader" : true,
          "delimiter" : ","
    "format" : {
      "type" : "text",
      "extensions" : [ "tsv" ],
      "extractHeader" : true,
      "delimiter" : "\t"
    "columns" : [ "`*`" ],
    "selectionRoot" : "file:/scratch/localdisk/drill/testdata/Cust_1G_tsv",
    "cost" : 1.0704467E7
  }, {
    "pop" : "project",
    "@id" : 65540,
    "exprs" : [ {
      "ref" : "`T2¦¦*`",
      "expr" : "`*`"
    }, {
      "ref" : "`ORDER_ID`",
      "expr" : "`ORDER_ID`"
    }, {
      "ref" : "`CUSTOMER_ID`",
      "expr" : "`CUSTOMER_ID`"
    } ],
    "child" : 65541,
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 1.0704467E7
  }, {
    "pop" : "filter",
    "@id" : 65539,
    "child" : 65540,
    "expr" : "booleanAnd(equal(`ORDER_ID`, '41') , equal(`CUSTOMER_ID`, '568') 
) ",
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 240850.50749999998
  }, {
    "pop" : "selection-vector-remover",
    "@id" : 65538,
    "child" : 65539,
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 240850.50749999998
  }, {
    "pop" : "project",
    "@id" : 65537,
    "exprs" : [ {
      "ref" : "`T2¦¦*`",
      "expr" : "`T2¦¦*`"
    } ],
    "child" : 65538,
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 240850.50749999998
  }, {
    "pop" : "union-exchange",
    "@id" : 2,
    "child" : 65537,
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 240850.50749999998
  }, {
    "pop" : "project",
    "@id" : 1,
    "exprs" : [ {
      "ref" : "`*`",
      "expr" : "`T2¦¦*`"
    } ],
    "child" : 2,
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 240850.50749999998
  }, {
    "pop" : "screen",
    "@id" : 0,
    "child" : 1,
    "initialAllocation" : 1000000,
    "maxAllocation" : 10000000000,
    "cost" : 240850.50749999998
  } ]
} |
1 row selected (30.126 seconds)

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