I've not tried running Drill embedded on Windows, but you can try checking the parameters passed to the running Drill JVM to validate that the settings were picked up ?
Kunal Khatua Engineering [MapR]<http://www.mapr.com/> www.mapr.com<http://www.mapr.com/> ________________________________ From: David F. Severski <da...@severski.net> Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 10:10:44 AM To: user@drill.apache.org Subject: Configuring Drill Memory Usage under Windows Greetings! I'm a new user of Drill 1.9.0 under Windows 10 w/Java 1.8.0_121 (x64). I am trying to configure drill-embedded to have more direct memory available to it than the default 7GB I see when starting on my 32GB equipped workstation. Uncommenting the DRILL_HEAP and DRILL_MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY settings from `conf/drill-env.sh` and setting them to 16G has no effect (value of direct_max via "select * from sys.memory;" is unchanged [7Gig] after a restart). General web searches and specific searches on Stack Overflow haven't turned up any similar issues. What is the correct way to increase memory available to drill when launching under Windows? David