The SQLLine shell is a CLI utility to allow people to explore big data.. but 
not designed (intentionally) to print 3 million rows! The utiity tries to 
format the data, and has limited internal buffers.

You probably want to use a simple JDBC program to achieve the purpose of 
printing out the results. You can try using a program like SQuirreL to connect 
to Drill as well and try displaying your 3million rows.

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 10:18:21 PM
Subject: Re: Display of query result using command line

select count(<colname>) query works fine for me - it returns exact number
of rows close to 3 million.

The way I am executing queries is - I am doing a putty session to the drill
node, firing the query and getting the result printed on the putty console.

on removing extract headers from the tsv and then firing select * query,
the query completed on the console but it printed close to 2 million rows -
i feel that the entire process of printing such high number of rows is
giving me inconsistent results.

Thoughts ?


On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 12:04 AM, Khurram Faraaz <> wrote:

> Three million rows is too many rows, for sqlline to print.
> Try doing a COUNT(*) and see if that query returns the correct count on
> that table.
> Thanks,
> Khurram
> ________________________________
> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 7:41:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Display of query result using command line
> All,
> I am using drillconf from command line to display a query result like
> select * from xxx
> having 3 million rows. The screen display scrolls fast to display the
> result, however, it stops after some time with this exception -
> java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
> at
> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.VarCharVector$Accessor.get(
> at
> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.VarCharAccessor.
> getBytes(
> at
> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.VarCharAccessor.
> getString(
> at
> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.BoundCheckingAccessor.getString(
> at
> org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.TypeConvertingSqlAccessor.getString(
> at
> org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor.getString(
> at org.apache.calcite.avatica.AvaticaSite.get(
> at
> org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.DrillResultSetImpl.getObject(
> at sqlline.Rows$Row.<init>(
> at sqlline.IncrementalRows.hasNext(
> at
> sqlline.TableOutputFormat$
> at sqlline.TableOutputFormat.print(
> at sqlline.SqlLine.print(
> at sqlline.Commands.execute(
> at sqlline.Commands.sql(
> at sqlline.SqlLine.dispatch(
> at sqlline.SqlLine.begin(
> at sqlline.SqlLine.start(
> at sqlline.SqlLine.main(
> The query shows completed in the profile.
> Any reason/suggestions on this ?
> Regards,
> Projjwal

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